Professor Galler is senior Chief Doctor at the Polyclinic for Restorative Dentistry and Parodontology, divisional management Endodontology.
She studied Dentology at the LMU Munich from 1994-2000. she passed assistantship in the independent practice, then she got promoted to Dr. med. dent. 2002. she worked as scientific staff at the Polyclinic for Restorative Dentistry and Parodontology, University clinic Regensburg 2002-2004. She also passed Post-Doc at Texas Health Science Center at Houston, USA, 2004-2006; She had a Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the Rice University, Houston, USA, 2006 – 2009. She returned to the Polyclinic for Restorative Dentistry and Parodontology in Regensburg in 2009. Afterwards she completed of the Habilitation and Chief Doctor in 2011. She was appointed as Professor for Endodontology at the University Regensburg, Polyclinic for Restorative Dentistry and Parodontology, in August 2015. She is deputy clinic management since Feburary 2016.
On July 29, 2016 Professor Galler was presented with the TUMS Distinguished Visiting Professor title for the duration of 2016-2019 by Head of Endodotics Department, TUMS School of Dentistry. On May, 2019 her visiting professorship title was renewed for the second three-year period of 2019-2022.
In July 2016, Professor Galler traveled to Iran and took participate in the 17th international congress of iranian association of endodontics.
During her presence in IRAN, she had meeting with head and members of endodontics department of school of dentistry.
