Code : 18365      Created Date : Monday, May 29, 2017   Update Date : Sunday, July 26, 2020    Visit : 4439

Fernando Salgado Blanco

Sempre en Galiza,

15706 Santiago de Compostela (Spain)

(+34) 665353867

(+34) 981595967



Professional biography:


Dr. Fernando Salgado Blancograduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Santiago de Compostela in 1987 after which he served for 3 years in various hospitals and health centers in Finland (Kuopio, Tampere, Pori, Kemi and Kolari).  


In 1990, thanks to a grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he moved to China where he remained until 1994 earning the title of Specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine by the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing and continuing studies in other centers like-Guan An Hospital Men, Hospital Sino-Japanese Friendship Hospital and Beijing massage while working as a doctor of medical evacuations for International SOS Assistanceand the International medical Center of Beijing.


Santiago back in 1995 and began his private practice and work with the Pain Unit of the University Clinic of Santiago de Compostela. In 2002 he founded the Medical Center "Xiyun" (Clouds West).


Since 1997 launched the Master of Acupuncture and Moxibustion at the University of Santiago de Compostela which is coordinator and since 2003 does the same with the Specialization Course in Medical Acupuncture from the University of Oporto.


He has taught specialized courses in acupuncture in Puerto Rico (Natumed- Caribbean Central University 2003-2008), Masters in Acupuncture from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (1995-2001) and the College of Physicians of Seville (1996-2001) and Chinese Pharmacopoeia in the College of Physicians of Barcelona (2012-2013).


Between 2002 and 2006 carried out training in Sintergética (1st promotion in Spain).


He is a member of the Editorial Committee and head of the Section of Pharmacopoeia ChinaInternational Journal of Acupuncture.


Dr. Fernando Salgado speaks Chinese, Spanish, Finnish, French, Italian, Galician, English and Portuguese.


On February 4, 2017 Dr. Fernando Salgado was presented with the TUMS Distinguished Visiting Professor Title for the duration of 2017-2020 by Dean of School of Traditional Medicine.



Dr. Fernando Salgado has traveled to Iran twice during MARHABA, an Erasmus Mundus Lot 2 project, which was led by the University of Santiago de Compostela of Spain. 


During his presence in IRAN, he held several workshops to introuduce and teache Qi Gong in School of Traditional Medicine and School of Medicine.



He also took part in some meetings and symposiums which were held in different schools of TUMS.



Teaching Videos:

  • Complete Breathing Method

  • Wellness Medical Qi - Part 1

  • Wellness Medical Qi - Part 2

(Those are performed standing-up)

  • Nutritional Points

(Diet for Health and life)

  • Nutritional Points

(The Truth about Dairy)


Galley Photos:

symposium of Introducing Complimentary Medicine and Iranian Medicine

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