Code : 18623      Created Date : Monday, January 29, 2018   Update Date : Tuesday, February 27, 2018    Visit : 2576

Elisabete Weiderpass

Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB), C8

Karolinska Institutet, Solna, Stockholm County, Sweden

+46 (0) 8-524 823 65

Professional biography:

Elisabete Weiderpass is Professor in cancer epidemiology at The Cancer Registry of Norway. SHe is Head of Department of Research; Her research interest is mainly on etiological factors in female cancers. In the project "Women's Lifestyle and Health" her team try to identify potentially modifiable risk factors for cancers of the breast, ovarian, endometrium, colorectum and skin, as well as for cardiovascular diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke) and overall mortality. 

She is also interested in factors affecting cancer survival. She coordinate the Ugandan collaboration on infections diseases and cancer, where her team are studying the role of infectious agents such as HIV, human papilloma viruses (HPV), and EBV in the etiology of cancer of the cervix uteri, conjunctiva, and Burkitts Lymphoma, hormones and cancer, cancer research in developing countries.

She has Over 630 peer reviewed publications in international journals. Her average citations per article is 39.19, and her H-Index is 74.

On December, 2017 Prof. Weiderpass was presented with the TUMS Distinguished Visiting Professor Title for the duration of 2017-2020 by Head of Cancer Research Center of TUMS.


Research Interests:

  • Cancer epidemiology;

  • Etiological risk factors;

  • Cancer screening;

  • Cancer survival;

  • Pharmacoepidemiology;

  • Infectious diseases and cancer;

  • Cancer research in developing countries;

  • Cancer registration;



