Specialty of Pediatrics
Services of this program involves a broad range of activities in the area of the supply, maintenance, and promotion of health, including the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up, and rehabilitation in that period of life.
Some Specific Competencies and Skills: Insertion of all types of catheter; blood sampling from arteries, veins, umbilical vein, and heels of infants; perform a variety of intradermal, subcutaneous, intramuscular, intravenous, and intraosseous injections; perform bone marrow aspiration, lumbar puncture, suprapubic aspiration, and aspiration of pleural effusion, ascites, and articular fluid; perform CPR (Basic and Advanced Life Supports); perform urinary catheterization; blood transfusions (Whole or partial blood); surfactants injection through tracheal tubes; using a ventilator; and, vaccination
Important Information
Program Duration: 4 years
Program Semester: September
Program Intake Year: 2019, 2020
Program Instructors
Staff members of Children's Medical Center, Iran's Pediatrics Center of Excellence
Method of Instruction
- Bedside teaching in: The pediatrics general ward for 3 months; emergency ward and clinics for 4 months; maternity and neonatology wards for 3 months; Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases; NICU and PICU wards each one for 3 months; emergency ward for 6 months;
- Bedside teaching in other sub-specialty wards (Gastroenterology, Hematology, Pulmonary diseases, Allergy & Asthma, immunology, Neurology, Rheumatology, Cardiology, Endocrinology) and the Imaging Laboratory, each for 1 month;
- Participating in the morning report, ground round, journal club, case-based discussions; and,
- Some workshops on research methodology.
Admission Requirements
To apply for this program, you will need to fulfill a number of requirements, which can be found in the Graduate Admission Requirements.
Program Specific Eligibility Criteria
Who Can Attend? Individuals holding an M.D. or an M.B.B.S. degree and having a specialty in pediatrics.
The eligible candidate must have successfully completed an approved general physician program and is required to be proficient in English and/or Persian.
Admission Deadline
Tehran University of Medical Sciences has a rolling application system and reviews student applications all year round.
However, the deadline for the September intake is June 31, and the deadline for the February intake is October 31.
Education Fees and Yearly Expenses
For complete and comprehensive information about fees and expenses, please refer to the Education Fees and Yearly Expenses section.
Program Curriculum
For more information, please download the Program Curriculum of Specialty of Pediatrics.
Contact Information
In case of any inquiries, please contact the following:
Contact Person: Behdad Gharib, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Pediatric Intensive Care Fellowship
Tel.: (+98 21) 6693 5848, (+98) 912 175 9016
Email: behdad_gharib@yahoo.co.uk
Address: Children’s Medical Center, Nosrat St., Karegar Ave., Tehran, Iran
To contact the Office of International Admissions, please use the following information:
Tel.: (+98 21) 8889 6692 & 94, Ext.: 318 or 319
Fax: (+98 21) 8889 6696
Email: admission@tums.ac.ir
Address: No. 21, Dameshgh St., Vali-e Asr Ave., Tehran 1416753955, Iran
Apply Now!
In case you are ready to apply, please refer to TUMS Online Application Form below.
Alternatively, you can visit the following pages if you require more information about the university: