Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International Affairs
Seminar on Internationalization of Higher Education
Code : 18229      Publish Date : Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Visit : 2504

Welcome Message

Welcome Message

Dear Colleagues and Participants,


Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) has the honor to extend to you a warm invitation to attend Internationalization of Higher Education Seminar (IHE Seminar) to be held in the beautiful capital city of Tehran.


The IHE Seminar Committee is honored to provide a forum for all the participants to gain knowledge of different aspects of internationalization of higher education. The main theme of the IHE Seminar is Mobility Programs. IHE Seminar’s National and International keynote speakers will give lectures in the mornings of the first and the second day. In addition, the participants will also benefit from discussion panels, accreditation and ranking round tables in the afternoon of Seminar days.


We hope you join us for a symphony of outstanding knowledge, and take a little extra time to enjoy the spectacular and unique beauty of Tehran.


Ali Jafarian

President of IHE Seminar

Chancellor of Tehran University of Medical Sciences