Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International Affairs
Seminar on Internationalization of Higher Education
Code : 18246      Publish Date : Wednesday, March 8, 2017 Visit : 2285

Speakers | Dr. Ramon Angel Bouzas-Lorenzo

Dr. Ramon Angel Bouzas-Lorenzo

Brief Biography:

Dean of the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences (University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain). PhD in Political Science and Senior Lecturer in Political Science and Public Administration (University of Santiago de Compostela). He has been visiting scholar at Goldman School of Public Policy (UC Berkeley, EE.UU.), Università degli Studi di Bologna (Italy) and London School of Economics (UK). His research and teaching focuses on public management (strategic planning; quality management, HRM; organizational design) and e-government.


Title of the Lecture:

Key Steps in Strategic Planning: Processes, Actors, and Leadership



Strategic planning is a management technique used around the world and by organizations in every sector. The entities that apply strategic planning can benefit from its capacity to adequately adjust the objectives of a project or program to an organization’s environmental conditions and internal availability of technologies, economic resources and appropriate human capital. Planning provides a script by which the actors and resources come on stage with a specific role to play at a specific time, which gives cohesion to organization. However, application experiences do not always achieve the desired outcomes, which makes it necessary to study the factors that determine success. As part of the conference on the internationalization of education, this talk provides an overview of the basic concepts of strategic planning, with special attention to the study of the context, the orientation of the project, and the cohesion and leadership of those involved in its implementation. The author’s research informs a review of the key factors that can either obstruct or guarantee the success of the project.



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