Tehran University of Medical SciencesOffice of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International AffairsSecretariat of International Quality Assurance and Accreditation Network
Holding a Meeting on “the final report of Self-Assessment Process” at the office of Global Strategies and International Affairs of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
A Meeting on “the final report of Self-Assessment Process” was held with the presence of representatives from the offices of Education, Research, International Affairs, Student Affairs and Management Development and Resource Planning, and the head and the officers of Global Strategies and International Affairs of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.

According to the report of International Relations, Accreditation and Ranking of Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), this meeting was held on Monday, October 17th in the auditorium of office of Vice Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs of TUMS with the presence of Dr. Kheradmand, Vice Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs ; Dr. Parsapoor, Director of Inspection, Evaluation, and Complaints; Dr. Zeraati, Director of Statistics and Information Technology, Dr. Saberi Namin, representative from Office of Vice Chancellor for Research; Dr. Mirzazadeh, representative from Office of Vice Chancellor for Education; Dr. Amanlou, representative from Office of Vice Chancellor for Management Development and Resource Planning ; Dr. Nekoofar, Representative from Office of Vice Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs; Shahab Baigi, representative from Office of Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and the officers of each department.
In the beginning, Dr. Nekoofar with a review of the agenda, presented a history of decisions and actions taken after the first meeting with International Quality Assurance and Accreditation Network with the presence of Dr. Jafarian, the Chancellor. He also outlined the most important items of information contained in the report in each area including the existing situation of each school and headquarters in each of the indicators, collecting documents, developing improvement plans and providing reasons for not running the possible indicators in line and staff units.
Then the representatives of each department made a report on actions which were taken for self-assessment and the audiences commented and discussed about the topic after each presentation.
Then, Dr. Mirzazadeh by saying that the spirit of accreditation is based on the holistic view, stated that reports should include sketching and not overly detailed and microscopic image because it might lead to go out of the preset schedules. He also said that the first issue in institutional assessment highlighted the lack of information systems which collect and document data systematically, and at the same time by collecting information on basic indicators can response a variety of accreditation systems. This helps to avoid repetitive tasks at the university.
At the end, it was decided that each of the departments complete their report with regard to the mentioned items. It is necessary to mention that after each presentation, the questions already raised by them were responded.
Reported by: Office of International Relations, Accreditation and Ranking