Prof. Zeinab Abdullah
In the Field of Microbiology and Immunology
At School of Medicine
From University of Bonn, Germany

Prof. Hassan Abolhassani
In the Field of Primary Immunodeficiency
At The Immunodeficiency Research Center
From Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Prof. Imad About
In the Field of Endodontics
At School of Dentistry
From Aix-Marseille University, France
Prof. Jubin Abutalebi
In the Field of Speech Therapy
At School of Rehabilitation
From University San Raffaele, Italy
Prof. Hossein Ansari
In the field of Neurology and Headache
At School of Medicine
From University of California, USA
Dr. Nasrin Asgari
In the field of Multiple Sclerosis and Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder
At Multiple Sclerosis Research Center
From University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Dr. Ali Asgary
In the field of Disaster and Emergency Health
At School of Public Health
From York University, Canada
Dr. Farahnak Assadi
In the field of Pediatrics
At School of Medicine
From Rush University Medical Center, USA

Dr. Philippe Bahadoran
In the field of Dermatology
At School of Medicine
From University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France
Prof. Kathryn A. Bayles
In the Field of Speech Therapy
At School of Rehabilitation
From University of Arizona, USA
Prof. Fatima Betul Basturk
In the field of Endodontics
At School of Dentistry
From Marmara University, Turkey
Prof. Omid Beiki
In the field of Multiple Sclerosis Researches
At Multiple Sclerosis Research Center
From Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
Prof. Serge Brand
In the field of Mental Health
At School of Medicine
From University of Basel, Switzerland

Prof. Josette Camilleri
In the Field of Endodontics
At School of Dentistry
From University of Malta Medical School, Malta

Prof. Simon Clark
In the Field of Dermatology
At School of Medicine
From University of Queensland, Australia


Prof. Jean Dupouy-Camet
In the Field of Parasitology
At School of Public Health
From Paris Descartes University,France

Prof. Mazda Farshad
In the field of Spinal Disorders
At Sports Medicine Research Center
From Balgrist University Hospital, Switzerland
Mr. Thorsten Fischer
In the field of Physiotherapy
At School of Rehabilitation
From European Fascial Distortion Model Association, Germany

Prof. Alejandro F. Frangi
In the Field of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
At School of Medicine
From University of Leeds and also The University of Sheffield, UK


Prof. Kerstin Galler
In the Field of Endodontics
At School of Dentistry
FromUniversity Hospital Regensburg, Germany
Prof. Fransissco Miguel Gama
In the field of Biomaterial sciences, Drug delivery and Biocompatibility
At School of Pharmacy
From University of Minho, Portugal
Dr. Ali Ghiaseddin
In the field of Tissue Engineering
At the Skin Stem Cell Research Center
From University of Michigan, USA

Prof. Ronald C. Gorter
In the Field of Community Oral Health
At School of Dentistry
From Academic Centre for Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA), Netherland

Prof. Kishor Gulabivala
In the Field of Endodontics
At School of Dentistry
From Eastman Dental Institute, University College London, UK


Prof. Robert Hill
In the Field of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
At School of Advanced Technologies in Medicine
From Queen Mary University of London, UK

Prof. Robert Douglas Hinshelwood
In the Field of Psychotherapy
At School of Medicine
From University of Essex, UK

Prof. Amir-Homayoun Javadi
In the Field of Speech Therapy
At School of Rehabilitation
From University of Kent, UK
Prof. Yves Joanette
In the Field of Speech Therapy
At School of Rehabilitation
From Centre de recherche IUGM, Canada

Dr. Saadi Khochbin
In the field of Oral and Maxilofacial Pathology
At School of Dentistry
From Institute for Advanced Biosciences, France

Prof. Jane Knight
In the Field of Internationalization of Higher Education
At Office of Vice-Chancellor of Global Strategies and International Affairs
From University of Toronto, Canada

Prof. Michael Josef Kowolik
In the Field of Periodontics and Allied Dental Program
At School of Dentistry
From Indiana University, USA

Prof. Samo Kreft
In the Field of Pharmacognosy
At School of Pharmacy, International Campus
From University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Prof. David J Libon
In the Field of Speech Therapy
At School of Rehabilitation
From Rowan University, USA

Dr. Hossein Mehdian
In the field of Spine Surgery
At School of Medicine
From University of Toronto, Canada
Prof. Rui Amaral Mendes
In the field of Oral and maxillofacial Medicine
At School of Dentistry
From Case Western Reserve University, USA

Prof. Heino F. Meyer-Bahlburg
In the field of Psychosexual Medicine
At School of Medicine
From New York State Psychiatric Institute, USA
Prof. Sanjay Miglani
In the Field of Endodontics
At School of Dentistry
From Jamia Millia Islamia University, India

Prof. Laura Murray
In the Field of Speech Therapy
At School of Rehabilitation
From Western University, Canada
Prof. Heikki Murtomaa
In the Fiels of Community Oral Health
At School of Dentistry
From University of Helsinki, Finland

Dr. Venkateshbabu Nagendrababu
In the field of Endodontics
At School of Dentistry
From International Medical University, Malaysia
Dr. Mohammad Sadegh Namazikhah
In the field of Endodontics
At School of Dentistry
From California Dental Association, USA

Prof. Michael Nelson
In the Field of Cellular and Molecular, Clinical and Community Nutrition
At School of Nutritional Sciences and Dietetics
From King's College London, UK
Prof. Lyndsey Nickels
In the Field of Speech Therapy
At School of Rehabilitation
From Macquarie University, Australia
Prof. Michael A. Nitsche
In the Field of Speech Therapy
At School of Rehabilitation
From Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors in Dortmund, Germany


Prof. Kaan Orhan
In the Field of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
At School of Dentistry
From Ankara University, Turkey

Prof. Mutlu Ozcan
In the Field of Restorative Dentistry
At School of Dentistry
From University of Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Arman Rahmim
In the Field of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
At School of Medicine
From University of British Columbia, Canada
Prof. Cliff Rosendahl
In the Field of Dermatology
At School of Medicine
From University of Queensland, Australia

Dr. Ingrid Rozylo-Kalinowska
In the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology
At School of Dentistry
From Medical University of Lublin, Poland
Dr. Frank Jakobus Ruhli
In the field of Medical Parasitology and Mycology
At School of Public Health
From Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Margaret Rustin
In the Field of Psychotherapy
At School of Medicine
From Melanie Klein Trust, UK

Prof. Fernando Salgado Blanco
In the Field of Acupuncture and Traditional Medicine
At School of Persian Medicine
From University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Dr. Julita Sansoni
In the field of Family Nursing
At School of Nursing and Midwifery
From Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Prof. Eiki Satake
In the Field of Speech Therapy
At School of Rehabilitation
From Emerson College, USA

Prof. Leonardo A. Sechi
In the Fiels of Microbiology Science
At School of Medicine
From University of Sassari, Italy
Dr. Omid Sedigh
In the field of Urology
At School of Medicine
From University of Turin, Italy
Dr. Alireza Abdollah Shamshirsaz
In the field of Fetal Intervention
At School of Medicine
From Baylor College of Medicine – Texas Children ’s Hospital, Texas

Prof. Babak Shojaie
In the field of Orthopedic Surgery
At School of Medicine
From St.Marien Medical Campus, Germany

Prof. Pieter Johannes Slootweg
In the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
At School of Dentistry
From Radboud University Medical Center, Netherland

Prof. Ali Soleimani-Meigooni
In the field of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
At School of Medicine
From Comprehensive Cancer Center of Nevada, USA
Dr. Merva Soluk Tekkesin
In the field of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
At School of Dentistry
From University of Istanbul, Turkey
Prof. Borut Strukelj
In the Field of Pharmaceutical Biology
At School of Pharmacy, International Campus
From University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dr. Hakki Sunay
In the field of Endodontics
At School of Dentistry
From Altinbus University, Turkey

Prof. Alireza Tabatabaie
In the field of Psychosexual Medicine
At School of Medicine
From Cambridge Institute of Clinical Sexology, UK


Prof. Willem Van Leeuwen
In the Fiels of Microbiology Science
At School of Medicine
From University of Applied Science of Leiden, Netherlands

Prof. Elisabete Weiderpass
In the field of Cancer Epidemiology
At Cancer Research Center
From Cancer Registry of Norway, Sweden
Prof. Harry A. Whitaker
In the Field of Speech Therapy
At School of Rehabilitation
From Northern Michigan University, USA

Prof. Kazuhito Yokoyama
In the field of Maternal, Fetal Neonatal Health Science
At Maternal, Fetal Neonatal Health Research Center
From Juntendo University, Japan

Prof. Habib Zaidi
In the field of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
At School of Medicine
From Geneva University, Switzerland
