Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International Affairs
Directorate of International Relations
Code : 18981      Publish Date : Wednesday, January 2, 2019 Visit : 2905

TUMS Visiting Professors | Ali Asgary

Ali Asgary


Atkinson College, 209A

York University, Canada

416-736-2100 Ext: 22879

Professional biography:

Ali Asgary is an expert in disaster, emergency, and business continuity management. His extensive research and effective teaching are enhanced by his active contributions to the profession and by translating them into real world practices at different levels. He is dynamic, engaging, and an award-winning researcher, educator, urban planner, and consultant. Because of his research and training for different organizations, Dr. Asgary is always on the cutting edge of the emerging disaster and emergency management field. He was among the faculty members who established this discipline in Canadian Universities, including York University and Brandon University. Ali is the author or coauthor of numerous scholarly and practitioner articles and his work has been extensively cited and referenced by other researchers. His research has been funded by SSHRC, NSERC, GEOIDE, PreCarN, AIF, YUFA, etc. Ali is frequently consulted by media (examples include:CBC, Toronto Star, Globe & Mail, CTV News, CBC Radio, Vancouver Sun, etc. ), associations, governmental and non-governmental organizations and private sector companies – for the latest developments and trends in disaster events, disaster management and business continuity in Canada and globally. Professor Asgary is the recipient of awards for his research, teaching and other contributions, including the International Association of Emergency Management Award, the outstanding paper of the year award by the Journal of Disaster Prevention and Management, and Merit Awards. He is currently the associate director of ADERSIM (Advanced Disaster, Emergency and Rapid Response Simulation).

On December, 2018 Professor Asgary was presented with the TUMS Distinguished Visiting Professor Title for the duration of 2018-2021 by Head of Disaster and Emergency Health Department, TUMS School of Public Health.

Research interests:

  • Emergency Management

  • Urban Planning/Design

  • Disaster Simulation, Business continuity

  • Decision support systems

  • GIS and IT applications in disaster and emergency management

  • Emergency Management

Most significant publications:

  • Asgary A., Nosedal-Sanchez, J., Pantin, B., Wu, J., and Shafei-Sabet, M., (accepted), “Testing and validating a disaster mutual assistance decision support tool for electricity companies”, Int. J. Business Continuity and Risk Management.

  • Asgary, A., Pantin, B., Emamgholizadeh Saiir, B., and Wu, J., (2017) "Developing disaster mutual assistance decision criteria for electricity industry", Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal, Vol. 26 Iss: 2, pp.230 – 240.

  • Asgary, Ali, 2016, Business Continuity and Disaster Risk Management in Business Education: Case of York University. AD-minister, 28, pp.49-72.

  • Asgary A., Ansari S., Duncan R., and Pradhan S., (2015), “Mapping potential airplane hazards and risks using airline traffic DATA”, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 13, September 2015, pp. 276-280.

  • Sarmiento JP, Hoberman, G., Ilcheva, M., Asgary A., Majano AM., Poggione S., Duran L.R., (2014), “Private sector and disaster risk reduction: The Cases of Bogota, Miami, Kingston, San Jose, Santiago, and Vancouver, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction.

  • Mojtaba Rafieian, Ali Asgary, (2013) Impacts of temporary housing on housing reconstruction after the Bam earthquake. Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 22 Iss: 1, pp.63 – 74.

  • Sadeghi-Naini A. and Asgary A. , (2013) "Modeling number of firefighters responding to an incident using artificial neural networks", International Journal of Emergency Services, 2(2), 104–118.

  • Ali Asgary, Nooreddin Azimi, Muhammad Imtiaz Anjum, (2013) Measuring small businesses disaster resiliency: case of small businesses impacted by the 2010 flood in Pakistan, International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, 4(2), 170-187.

  • Nooreddin Azimi & Ali Asgary, 2013. Rural residents and choice of building earthquake-resistant house: results of a choice experiment study. Environmental Hazards, 12(3-4), 240-257.

  • Asgary A, Anjum MI, Azimi N, (2013) "Disaster recovery and business continuity after the 2010 flood in Pakistan: Case of small businesses", International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2, 46-56.