Tehran University of Medical SciencesOffice of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International AffairsDirectorate of International Relations

“Training for Medical education via innovative eTechnology (MediTec) an Erasmus+ Programme
(Grant Number: 585980-EPP-1-2017-1-DE-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP)
Capacity-Building projects in the field of Higher Education (CBHE)
One of the Erasmus+ projects which TUMS has participated in, in MediTec(Training for Medical Education via Innovative e-Technology).
The MediTec project will support and modernize the medical education in Jordan, Iraq, and Iran by establishing innovative training centers with immersive medical learning platform and realistic simulation models in order to improve the practical and soft skills for students in medical education in Jordan, Iraq, and Iran.
Please refer to the MediTec website for more information: http://meditec.just.edu.jo/Pages/about.aspx
Establishing an innovative medical training center with Immersive Medical Learning Platform to train teachers and students on innovative medical technology
Training of trainers, staff and students on innovative technologies in EU universities
Adapting the training on innovative technology in teaching process
Enhancement of training‐methodical complexes on bases of modernized training courses
Development and providing, training program, multimedia and materials for training on innovative technologies
Training of students in EU and in the center
Development of practical courses especially for this new learning environment.
Strengthening quality of the graduate students through visits and cooperation with the EU
15 partners from seven countries are contributing in MediTec project including selected universities from Germany, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Malta, Iran, Iraq and Jordan.
Jordan University of Science and Technology, Joran
Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK), Germany
Pavol Josef Safarik University, Slovakia
Masaryk University, Czech Republic
INT@E, Germany
Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran
Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), Iran
University of Jordan, Jordan
Hashemite University, Jordan
Princess Sumaya University of Technology, Jordan
University of Duhok, Iraq
University of Baghdad, Iraq
University of Basrah, Iraq
Yarmouk University, Jordan
University of Malta, Malta
In line with the objectives of the MediTec Project, some training workshops alongside of management meetings were hold and organized by partner universities from EU, The audience of these training courses were from the non-EU partner institutions addressing teachers and students. Workshops and meetings which were successfully done are listed as below:
Kick-off meeting in Jordan
First Staff Training workshop in Slovakia
Second Staff Training workshop in Czech Republic
Third Staff Training workshop in Malta
First Student Training workshop in Czech Republic
Second Student Training workshop in Slovakia
Third Student Training workshop in Malta
Fourth Staff Training workshop in Iran
TUMS Workshop on “Emerging Technologies in Medical Education”, August 31 - September 21, 2020
First Day Materials
Content Design and Development Talk at TUMS
e-learning design
Mobile learning
Second Day Materials
Early Graduation
Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Education
Third Day Materials
Gamification a Playful Learning
Simulation Based Medical Education
Virtual Hospital
Fourth Day Materials
e-learning Implementation
Encouraging Student and Faculty to Participate in e-learning, Lessons Learned
The Role of Learner Support System
One of the main outcomes of MediTec project is establishing a center for innovative training in medical technology in each partner university. The centers will train Staff, teachers, trainers and students on innovative medical technology.
TUMS has received MediTec equipment in April 2019 and Lab of Excellence was launched accordingly at the university.
The Workshop on “Emerging Technologies in Medical Education” was held at TUMS
TUMS Virtual School hosted the international workshop of MediTec project from August 31 to September 21, 2020 with 144 participants around the world.

MediTec workshop on “Emerging Technologies in Medical Education” hosted by TUMS Virtual School was held from August 31 to September 21, 2020. European and non-European MediTec partners from Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Malta, Jordan, Iran and Iraq attended this virtual event. In addition to MediTec partners, this workshop hosted participants from India, Lebanon, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, and United Kingdom.
The workshop was included online webinar series and asynchronous courses at TUMS LMS, NAVID. Two days before the workshop, participants received their usernames and passwords of TUMS’ LMS (http://tumsnavid.vums.ac.ir). During the workshop, 16 lectures by national and international speakers were presented and 3 LMS activities were performed. Participants, not only had access to the workshop study guide and useful introductory presentations, but also got familiar with Iran and TUMS. During the workshop, related materials and slide presentations were uploaded in the LMS. In addition, there was the chance of participating in a forum for further discussion.
At the end, all 144 participants received their certificate of attendance online. It is worth mentioning that MediTec, Is one of Erasmus+ projects under support of European Union with the aims to support and modernize the medical education in Jordan, Iraq, and Iran by establishing innovative training centers with immersive medical learning platform and realistic simulation models in order to improve the practical and soft skills for students in medical education of target countries.
MediTec Lab of Excellence was inaugurated at TUMS
Opening ceremony of the MediTec Lab of Excellence took place at TUMS School of Medicine’s Skill Lab in September 17, 2019.

With the presence of TUMS Vice-chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs, Dr. Ramin Kordi, TUMS Director of International Relations, Dr. M.H. Nekoofar, dean of School of Medicine, Dr. Shahriar Nafissi, and some other guests from TUMS, MediTec Lab of Excellence was inaugurated in September 17, 2019.
A presentation about MediTec, performed activities and future pathway of the project were given to the audience and photos of different stages of the project implementation were shown at this event.
In this ceremony, it was declared that students at Tehran University of Medical Sciences are already working on designing endoscopic, laparoscopic, and acupuncture processes simultaneously with students from Sharif University of Technology.
In the End, MediTec leaflet were distributed among participants and a few group photos were taken as memorial of this event.
It is good to know that MediTec is one of the Erasmus+ projects which TUMS has participated in. MediTec project will support and modernize the medical education in Jordan, Iraq, and Iran by establishing innovative training centers with immersive medical learning platform and realistic simulation models in order to improve the practical and soft skills for students in medical education in Jordan, Iraq, and Iran.
Training Workshops on innovations on medical education were held European partners.
First, second and third training programs concentrating on innovations on medical education were held at Pavol Josef Safarik University, Slovakia; Masaryk University, Czech Republic; and University of Malta, Malta.

Following the objectives of MediTec project, in order to disseminate the knowledge and experience of medical education area, MediTec First, second and third training programs took place at partner universities in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Malta in 2018 and 2019. Participants from 10 partner universities (University of Jordan, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Yarmouk University, Hashemite University, Princess Sumaya University of Technology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS), Iran University of Medical Sciences (IUMS), University of Duhok, University of Baghdad, University of Basrah) were attended these workshops.
Alongside of this workshop, several social activities and visited were arranged for the participants to get the most of this training.
MediTec Project was introduced at TUMS International Festival 2019
The International Festival 2019 was held by the collaboration between Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) and University of Tehran (UT) with the presence of ambassadors from different countries, representatives from related ministries, faculty members, and students of the two universities while MediTec Project was introduced to the audience.
The International Festival 2019 was held by the collaboration between Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS) and University of Tehran (UT) with the presence of ambassadors from different countries, representatives from related ministries, faculty members, and students of the two universities. This event was held in 3 days, and different countries were showcased in the exhibition that was in the main campus of University of Tehran.
Students from the two universities who shared the same nationality presented their traditions, culture and their experience of living in Iran in a booth in the exhibition. TUMS and UT different Schools, International Office, International Campus and International College each had a desk to introduce their accomplishments. MediTec was introduced to all audience by Directorate of International Relations while its banner was set up in the booth and leaflets were distributed among visitors.
This program started on April 22, 2019, and in the second day The International Food Festival took place.