Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International Affairs
Directorate of International Relations
Code : 7464-346815      Publish Date : Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Visit : 2503

News | Meeting with France Scientific and Technical Cooperation Affiliate in Iran to foster academic collab...

Meeting with France Scientific and Technical Cooperation Affiliate in Iran to foster academic collaborations
On May 10, 2015 Dr. Nekoofar was host to Mr. Pierre André Lhôte, France Scientific and Technical Cooperation Affiliate in Iran, and Dr. Heshmati, TUMS alumni and member of Iran and France scientific cooperation at the Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs, Tehran University of Medical Sciences (TUMS).


After a warm welcoming, Dr. Nekoofar, Director of International Relations, Accreditation and Ranking (DIRAR), presented a brief about the history of TUMS focusing on its international counterparts. He also reminded of attendance of foreign countries ambassadors in TUMS international Day on March 5, 2015 which was a symbol of cooperation of TUMS with international counterparts.

The cooperation between Iran and France in the field of health and medical education would benefit the two countries in the area of education and research, he said. He also suggested arranging the visit of a delegation from France in May or June to foster collaboration.

Both sides showed their interest toward setting joint workshops, conferences, seminars and further steps may include exchange of faculty staff and students.



At the end of the meeting Mr. Pierre André Lhôte expressed his satisfaction with these arrangements and on behalf of the French part said they are ready to receive TUMS’s ideas and suggestions.

Reported By: S. Mohammadian