Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International Affairs
International Human Capacity Development (IHCD)
Code : 10950-332056      Publish Date : Monday, December 2, 2013 Visit : 2675

Sabbatical leave | Sabbatical Leave Report | Identification of the role of mitochondrial calcium uniporter in diabetes

Identification of the role of mitochondrial calcium uniporter in diabetes
Identification of the role of mitochondrial calcium uniporter in diabetes- Dr.Reza Meshkani
Application Code :
Created Date : Sunday, November 10, 2013Update Date : Monday, December 02, 2013IP Address :
Submit Date : Monday, December 02, 2013Email : rmeshkani@tums.ac.ir
Sabbatical Leave Report Form
Name : Reza
Surname : Meshkani
From : Monday, October 01, 2012
To : Sunday, September 01, 2013
Academic Rank : Assistant professor
School/Department/Research Center : Biochemistry
subject : Identification of the role of mitochondrial calcium uniporter in diabetes
Venue : Padova
Country : Italy
1.Brief summary of Leave : Mitochondrial Ca homeostasis has a key role in the regulation of aerobic metabolism and cell survival, but the molecular identity of the Ca channel, the mitochondrial calcium uniporter, was unknown until 2011, when Dr. Rizzuto Group, in Italy, for the first time discovered a 40KDa protein that acts as a specific- mitochondrial calcium uniporter (MCU). Given the importance of Ca signaling in the function of mitochondria and ER, this protein can potentially have a critical role in the pathogenesis of the metabolic diseases such as diabetes. However, given the novelty of this channel protein, no information was available on the role of this protein in diabetes and insulin resistance state. Specifically, in the period of Sabbatical Leave I extensively focused on the role of MCU in hepatic insulin resistance. During the Sabbatical leave I performed a number of new experimental approaches, ranging from multiparametric (calcium, membrane potential, ATP, morphology), high-throughput analysis of mitochondrial function to in vivo expression by viral transduction of the genes of interest. The result was very rewarding, we obtained new exciting data, demonstrating early alterations in mitochondrial calcium homeostasis in hyperglycemia and hyperinsulinemia, which lead to defective receptor signaling. This novel, exciting data provide new perspectives in the understanding and therapeutic targeting of diabetes.
3.Acheivements(Publications,research,et.al.) : We are preparation two manuscripts now. One is a review article and the second is one that resulted from the research project
4.Assessment of Value of Sabbatical leave(benefits,faculty development,future professional activities,...) : - The results were presented in the department
- New experiences in this period especially on mitochondrial calcium will help us to extend our knowledge on the role of mitochondrial calcium in diabetes