Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International Affairs
International Human Capacity Development (IHCD)
Code : 10950-346877      Publish Date : Sunday, May 24, 2015 Visit : 3098

Sabbatical leave | Sabbatical Leave Report | An observation course on heart and lung transplantation

An observation course on heart and lung transplantation
An observation course on heart and lung transplantation - by Dr. Ali Reza Bakhshandeh
Application Code :
Created Date : Thursday, December 18, 2014 09:15:55Update Date : Thursday, December 18, 2014 09:15:55
IP Address : Date : Thursday, December 18, 2014 09:18:06Email : abakhshandeh@ymail.com
Final Sabbatical Leave Report Form
Name : Ali Reza
Surname : Bakhshandeh
From : Sunday, June 29, 2014
To : Monday, November 10, 2014
Position : Associate professor
School/Research center : School of Medicine
E-mail : abakhshandeh@ymail.com
subject : an observation course on heart and lung transplantation
Venue : Ronald Reagan Hospital, UCLA
Country : United States
Sabbatical Leave Period(...Month) : 5
Certification :
1.Brief summary of Leave : participation in procurement of heart and lung
participation in meetings
participation in ICU visits
participation inheart and lung implantation
participation in outpatient clinics
2.List the objectives of your sabbatical leave as listed in your proposal and indicate how completely they were met : Achievment of experiences in heart and lung procurement and implantation and also in ICU visits
and in postoperative care and immunosuppression
3.Acheivements(Publications,research,et.al.) : Achievment of experiences in heart and lung procurement and implantation and also in ICU visits
and in postoperative care and immunosupression
Achievment of experiences in general cardiothoracic surgery in UCLA
4.Assessment of Value of Sabbatical leave(benefits,faculty development,future professional activities,...) : The results of this scientific trip are as following below:
1- New plans in preoperative case selection for heart and lung transplantation
2- New plans in heart and lung procurement
3- New plans for better heart and lung preservation during transportation from donor hospital to implantation center.
4- Achievement of new experiences in transplantation of heart and lung transplantation
5- Achievement of new experiences in ex vivo lung perfusion
6- Achievement of new experiences in general cardiovascular surgery in UCLA
7- New plans for transplantation organization
8- New plans for nursing organization in heart and lung transplantation
9- New experiences in postoperative ICU care after heart and lung transplantation
10- New experiences in immunosuppression therapy after heart and lung transplantation
11- New experiences in assist device management in transplantation, Heartmate II , Centrimag and extra corporeal membrane oxygenation
12- Achievement of new experiences in cardiopulmonary bypass management during heart and lung transplantation
13- Achievement of new experiences in cardioprotection strategies in general cardiovascular and transplantation surgery
14- Improvement in communication skills with natives
15- Achievement of experiences in intraoperative and postoperative Trans esophageal echocardiography
16- Achievement of new experiences in anesthesia care in heart and lung transplantation
Additional material may be attached in response to the above summary : http://gsia.tums.ac.ir/images/UserFiles/23195/Forms/280/Additional_Material.docx
Department Head/Research Center Chair : Dr Ardehali in UCLA