Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International Affairs
International Human Capacity Development (IHCD)
Code : 10950-355047      Publish Date : Saturday, November 24, 2018 Visit : 1407

Sabbatical leave | Sabbatical Leave Report | The report of Education in neurosurgery by Dr. Zohreh Habibi

The report of Education in neurosurgery by Dr. Zohreh Habibi
The report of Education in neurosurgery by Dr. Zohreh Habibi
Application Code :
Created Date : Monday, August 6, 2018-16:30 16:30:53Update Date : Monday, August 6, 2018-16:30 16:30:53
IP Address : Date : Monday, August 6, 2018-16:34 16:34:31Email : z-habibi@sina.tums.ac.ir
Final Sabbatical Leave Report Form

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Name : Zohreh
Surname : Habibi
From : Friday, March 16, 2018
To : Sunday, June 10, 2018
Position : Assistant professor
School/Research center : School of Medicine
subject : Education in neurosurgery
Venue : Toronto Western Hospital, Hospital for sick children (Sickkids)
Sabbatical Leave Period :  
Country : Canada
1.Brief summary of Leave : In the name of God I have visited The Hospital for Sick Children (Sickkids) and Toronto Western Hospital (TWH) as an international observer. I attended in the pediatric neurosurgery ward, operation room, outpatient clinic, rounds, morning reports, and conferences for 4 weeks, between March 19, 2018 to April 14, 2018. Afterwards, I was in functional neurosurgery ward, stereotactic neurosurgery and gamma knife unit in TWH for other 8 weeks, between April 16 to June 10. I critically assessed the quality of residency program in this two major referral centers in comparison with ours. In terms of technical expertise and hand-skill training, there were minor differences between our center and these observed hospitals. However, there is a huge gap in scientific research activities that residents can be involved. Also, they never force residents to study high volume of materials of a huge reference book, instead they study practical materials which are necessary for neurosurgery practice. Besides, they learn how to use scientific literature, and each resident is supposed to perform several scientific research during the training period. The next major difference is resources and technologies available in the operation room and inpatient practice. Armamentarium like neuronavigation and intraoperative monitoring are available all the time, while in a developing country like Iran we have to do some paperwork and negotiation to obtain such facilities for very special cases. Intraoperative MRI, intraoperative sonography, intracranial grids and strips for invasive EEG in cases of refractory seizure are not available in our centers. So, our practice would be confined in a boundary of some routine procedures, while we have left behind in many new fields and approaches. This gap is anticipated to increase rapidly in near future, considering the speedy rate of new technology’s growing in the fields of neurosciences. Our trainees need to be familiar with modern neurosurgery practice through attending in workshops and courses during their training. Such a training program cannot be achieved without allocation a specified budget and resources which seems to be impossible in the current situation. So, we need to compensate this gap according to our available resources. Intera-university rotations or communication with private centers which are equipped with some new technologies can be of help.
2.List the objectives of your sabbatical leave as listed in your proposal and indicate how completely they were met : I would like to observe the scientific activities of a Pediatric Neurosurgical service in a developed country and be familiar with the clinical and research plans in an established referral center. Principally, I am interested to observe the evidence-based practice of epilepsy surgery (in particular non-lesional epilepsy surgery) for my professional development. As I have found, the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto has a great Pediatric Neurosurgical service with a variety of surgical procedures and research programs. I have been accepted for a course of 1-month observership in Hospital for Sick Children from 19th March 2018. Moreover, as we are planning to start functional neurosurgery and stereotactic neurosurgery in our center, I found Western Toronto Hospital (UHN) suitable to be familiar with this field, where I have been accepted for 2 months observership from 16th April.
3.Acheivements(Publications,research,et.al.) : 1- A chapter (craniopharyngioma) in book (Oncology of Brain Tumor), by Springer Nature, in press 2- A review article on (the role of hippocampus in chronic pain processing), in production
4.Assessment of Value of Sabbatical leave(benefits,faculty development,future professional activities,...) : It was valuable to compare our knowledge, resource, and facilities with those of a first rank university. The method of research, the residency program (especially intera-university rotations), and interpersonal relationship can be a model for our training program in Neurosurgery. Also, I could make good communications with two full professor in the field of Pediatric Neurosurgery (Dr. Rutka) and functional Neurosurgery (Dr. Hodaei), and had opportunity to participate in scientific projects with them. It can be a good landscape for future scientific activities and international inter-university relationships in the field of pediatric neurosurgery and functional neurosurgery.
Additional material may be attached in response to the above summary : http://gsia.tums.ac.ir/images/UserFiles/42334/Forms/280/submission.pdf
Department Head/Research Center Chair : Dr. Farideh Nejat, Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery Dr. A. Khoshnevisan, Department of Pediatric Neurosurgery
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