Update Date : Sunday, August 12, 2018    Visit : 3156

School’s Research Centers



Central Research Lab

The Central Research Laboratory (CRL) at the School of Allied Medical Sciences access to state of the art instrumentation, which is essential for a thriving university research program. The CRL includes instruments such as Flow Cytometer with Sorter, Fluorescence Imaging Microscope, Quantitative PCR, and other equipment. This research facility compliments other specialized departmental and faculty research laboratories, and as such aims at promoting individual, as well as joint and multidisciplinary co-operative research.


The CRL is therefore designed primarily to serve SAM faculty members, their graduate students, and their research collaborators both from the industry and from other universities and colleges within Tehran and the other region of Iran. Furthermore, the CRL will contribute to excellence in undergraduate teaching by providing students with hands-on learning experience on advanced instrumentations, and a head start in scientific research.


The CRL serves research in most disciplines including the basic sciences, medicine, health sciences and food sciences. Growth, upgrading, and the addition of new instruments to the CRL will be controlled by research needs and trends. The CRL is a testimony to SAM commitment to provide a most needed research environment for Iranian researchers. It will also represent the backbone of future Ph.D. programs at SAM, as it will provide our students with hands on experience and advanced research training.


Basic Sciences Research Lab (BSRL)


Basic Sciences Research Lab (BSRL) at School of Allied Medical Sciences in Tehran University of Medical Sciences has rapidly grown into one of the largest research powerhouses in the nation. We have more health sciences colleges located in close proximity to one another than any other Iranian Medical Universities, and our success in obtaining NIH and other grants has advanced the construction of extensive laboratory and clinical infrastructure.


Tehran University of Medical Sciences ranks the first in total research expenditures (including the health sciences) among all universities, second among Middle East Medical Universities in research activities.

