Update Date : Monday, January 4, 2016    Visit : 3948

Department of Healthcare Management

This department aims to train efficient students who specialize in healthcare management to work as hospital administrators or in other healthcare centers. In addition, graduate students as experts are required to manage all non-medical departments in hospitals, schools, or headquarters of universities and organizations of medical sciences.

Research Interests
  • Quality of Work Life
  • Stress Management
  • Organizational Behavior
  • Human Resource Management
  • Personality and Healthcare Management
Faculty Members    


Hossien Dargahi, Ph.D. in Healthcare Management
Professor, Head of Department
Tel.: (+98 21) 8898 2997
Fax: (+98 21) 8898 2997
Email: hdargahi @sina.tums.ac.ir


Ahmad Fayazbakhsh, Ph.D. in Health Policy
Associate Professor
Tel.: (+98 21) 8898 2997
Email: fayaz@tums.ac.ir


Hojjat Rahmani, Ph.D. in Healthcare Management
Assistant Professor
Tel.: (+98 21) 8898 2997
Email: h/rahmani@tums.ac.ir


Mostafa Rabiyan, M.Sc. in Health Education
Email: rabeianm@tums.ac.ir


Mohammad Hadi Mousavi, M.Sc. in Healthcare Management
Assistant Professor
Tel.: (+98 21) 8898 2997
Email: smhmosavi@tums.ac.ir


Mohammadali Abbasi Moghadam , M.Sc. in Healthcare Management
Tel.: (+98 21) 8898 2997
Email: abbasimo@sina.tums.ac.ir


Golsa Shaham, M.Sc. in Healthcare Management

Clerical Staff

Tel.l: (+98 21) 6443 2358

Email: golsashaham@yahoo.com


Zeinab Rajab Nejad, M.Sc. in Healthcare Management

Clerical Staff

Tel.l: (+98 21) 6443 2358

Eamil: z.r6767@yahoo.com





All interested applicants are welcome to apply to TUMS by completing and submitting TUMS online application form in which they need to specify their school, level, and major of interest.
