Tehran University of Medical SciencesOffice of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International Affairsvsc
Out dorm’s students
For renewal you and your family health insurance notebook which expiration is on September 22nd 2015 ,office of Student and Cultural Affairs need below documents:
1. copy of visa pages of you and your family
2. copy of passport pages of you and your family
3. copy of permanent residency pages of you and your family
4. A copy of first page of previous health insurance notebooks of you and your family
4. a piece of photo (you and your family)
Bring the required documents till September 6th 2015.
Address: Southern Palestine street, Northern Mozafar street ,number124,Third floor.
Submit all the required documents to Mr Sharifizade or Mrs Anbari (officers of Student and Cultural Affairs)
In our office it is not possible to make a copy of your passport, please have a photocopy of each required documents.