Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International Affairs
Online Platform for Academic TEaching and Learning in Iraq and Iran [OPATEL]
Code : 18308      Publish Date : Tuesday, April 18, 2017 Visit : 2299

Partners | University of Basrah (UOB)

University of Basrah (UOB)

On 2004 and 2007, I and Two Instructors from Basrah University are participated in Cisco Networking Academy program courses in Lebanese American University ( LAU), for more than two months. After that we graduated as Instructor to teach in Basrah Cisco Networking Academy. The courses that taught in this academy are; CCNA ( Four Levels,1,2,3,and 4, CCNA Security , and Wireless ). Ten local academies in southern region are established and administered by our Basrah Regional Academy. The program was supported by ASCWA and Ministry of higher education and Scientific Research. Till now, more than 1000 students are enrolled in the courses of Cisco Networking Academy.

On the late of 2009, Avicenna E-learning Centre (AVC) established in our University with the aid of UNESCO, which support the project for four years. During this period, I and more than 10 participants are enrolled in five workshops about the tools of E-Learning Course Developments, in Jordan (Philadelphia University) and Turkey (Middle East Technical University; METU), one week for each. Accordingly, more than 15 E-Learning courses in different academic fields are developed in our (AVC) by high qualified Professors. The developed courses are published in UOB website to be utilized by the students.

On the mid of 2015, southern Korea donated University of Basrah an English Language training Laboratory Includes computers, sound system, network devices and server supported by high quality software. Training for Two technicians in Korea for three weeks to administer the Laboratory. This Lab. Could be used for teaching English language in addition to test the ability of participants via online exam.

During the period 2008-2010, three groups from our university are participated in IT courses in Germany, 6 months for each. These courses improve the ability of university staff in this field.

The roll of our University in all the prescribed activities could be abstracted in the followings

1. Prepare a suitable building, Devices and furniture for each project.

2. Engaging suitable persons for each project.

3. The establishment of courses and seminars in the IT field for the staff of our university and the other public and private sectors employees

4. Contributing to the dissemination of the program

5. Selection of equipment and assisting in the center development

6. Monitoring the progress of the Project by providing index and planning

7. Participating in surveying and benchmarking activities8. Implementing and managing the interactive platform for distance learning


OPATEL Project Coordinator:


Asst. Prof. Dr. Nazar S. Haddad, UOB  L.E.A.R

Vice dean for Scientific affairs in College of Medicine, UOB. Participate in DelPHE Project on E health in 2011, with support of Medical College establish for first Time an E learning system and the  first to in cooperate the Electronic Remark system Office OMR, with 5 years’ experience in the field of electronic remark, surveying and eLearning. Graduate as M.B.Ch.B from Medical College by 2000, obtain the specialty in chemical pathology by Iraqi Board of Medical Specializations in 2006, promoted to degree of Asst. Prof. in 2012 and consultant in chemical pathology in 2017. He experiences in the field of LC Mass spectrometry and HPLC, biomarkers, Diabetic and Endocrinology. Member of the International association of Medical Education (AMEE), Association of clinical biochemistry (ACB) and American association of Clinical Chemistry. He had 11 publications, supervision of postgraduate students in addition to participating in different of international conferences and workshops.


Eng. Zeina  Ghazi  Ibrahim

Engineer at College of Medicine, University of Basrah. Admin and coordinator of E learning System with 10 years experience on students training on different platform of windows, Microsoft office. Administrator of Electronic remark systems and examnation program using visual fox pro and databases, graduate from college of Engineer 2000 with Bachleor degree and pass proficiency testing exam. 


Senior Eng. Aula  Mohammed

Senior Computer Engineer at College of Medicine, University of Basrah. ICT specialist in IT unit in college, 11 years of experiences in computer maintenance, design, configuration. Experience in network installation LAN and WAN connection and wireless networking.


Prof. Ali Marhoon.

Participated in different training courses in LAU CATC Lebanon and certified as an instructor in regional cisco academy at basrah university since 2006 till now. During 2009, he is one of the first staff of Avicenna E-Learning Center in Basrah University as a technical expert of this center. Attended in   Five workshops  about E-Learning Techniques in Jordan and Turkey, which are Supported by UNESCO. Interested research fields are: Remote Lab, IoT applications, Routing  in Wireless Sensor Networks. He is a director of Computer Center Since Feb. 2012 till now.