Created Date : Saturday, September 20, 2014   Update Date : Monday, August 6, 2018    Visit : 3660

M.Sc. in Community Health Nursing



The Community Health Nursing program has been developed in line with the health-centered policies of the health care system. This program focuses on the health of population, as its graduates, by combining nursing knowledge and other related sciences, are able to identify and resolve problems and make evidence-based decisions in order to respond to the needs of the society. This program was first established nationally in 1977 by the name of general population health nursing, and in 1995 was approved as one of the master’s degree programs in nursing and was named “Community Health Nursing”. A revision of these two programs was delegated to medical sciences universities of Mashhad and Shiraz respectively in 2002. The revised edition of this program, due to passage of time and the need for an up-to-date version, was once again placed for another revision in 2010 and finally in 2013, it was approved by the High Committee for Planning of Medical Sciences. 



Community health nursing is a branch of nursing whose graduates, by combining nursing knowledge with other related sciences through evidence-based practice, are active at different levels of the society and deliver their services to people with an emphasis on primary prevention.


The Aim of the Course


In the next 10 years, this program causes the country to be among the top countries in the region, regarding education standards, research production, and provision of community health nursing.



Mission of this program is to train, increase awareness, and nurture efficient, responsible, and accountable nursing staff who can improve the society’s health and the quality of life through the use of nursing knowledge and other related sciences in different areas of the society.


Principles (Values and Beliefs)

In the development of this program, the following values have been emphasized:

  • Human beings as God’s representative have dignity, sanctity, and a high position and their wellbeing is a fundamental right.
  • A healthy human being is the core of sustainable development.
  • Health-centered attention to levels of prevention is among the top priorities in the development of this program.
  • Preserving social justice (equality in receiving health service) is essential in providing health care for people.
  • Participation in health-related decisions is among the basic rights of individuals, families, and the society.
  • Preserving professional ethics is the core of community health nursing.
  • Being society-oriented is the main feature of this program.



School : School of Nursing and Midwifery
Department : Community Health Nursing
Curriculum : Download
Major : Community Health Nursing
Level : M.Sc.
Course Description : Students should take 36 credits to graduate and obtain an MSc in Community Health Nursing.
Course Duration : 4 semesters


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