Method(s) of Instruction : |
This program is based on the following strategies:
· Task based learning
· A combination of student- and teacher-based learning
· Problem-based learning
· Hospital based learning
· Subject-directed learning
· Systematic learning
· Evidence-based learning
· Disciplinary learning with some integration as required
· Community-oriented learning
Educational Methods and Techniques: During this course, various methods and techniques will be used:
• Various intra- and intersectoral, hospital, interdisciplinary and inter-university conferences as well as seminars
• Discussion in small groups, workshops, journal clubs and reading groups as well as Case Presentation
• Participation in training lower ranks
• Self-Education, Self-Study
• Other training methods and techniques according to the requirements and objectives
The overall structure of the course:
• In ICU Rotation:
- Asthma emergency, respiratory failure, hypoxemic, airway management, hospital infections, infection control, chemical waste, chest trauma, oxygen therapy, artificial respiration, types and modes of respiratory ventilator, disconnect the patient from the ventilator, noninvasive techniques, conditioning,
complications of artificial ventilation, care after thoracic surgery, pulmonary function tests, respiratory
mechanics, interpretation of blood gas analysis, sedation in ICUs, invasive procedures to control acute
pain in ICUs, observation of ethical and legal aspects
in ICU, arterial catheter insertion, intravenous catheter insertion, pulmonary artery catheter insertion, retraining cardiopulmonary cerebral
resuscitation (CPCR) techniques
• In surgery room Rotation:
- Airway maneuvers, bag-mask ventilation, tracheal
intubation and laryngeal mask airway insertion, sedation, anesthesia, muscle relaxation, bronchoscopy, fiberoptic, familiarity with anesthesia equipment, invasive monitoring
• In Cardiology ward and CCU Rotation:
- Shock, pulmonary edema, cardiac tamponade, rhythm disorders, coronary artery disease, invasive monitoring and inotropic treatments, anticoagulant treatments and thrombolytic therapy, cardiac emergencies, malignant hypertension and hypertensive crisis, echo training, pace maker, thromboembolism, valvular disorders
• In Lung department Rotation:
- Spirometry, bronchoscopy, fiberoptic, BAL, inflammatory obstructive and restrictive lung diseases
• In Radiology department Rotation:
- Spiral CT scan (with contrast), vascular imaging
(perfusion), thoracic imaging and other organs
trauma, ultrasound, MRI
• In Department of Neurology Rotation:
- Types of coma, cerebral edema, cerebral vascular insufficiency, monitoring, central nervous system, convulsion and its control, brain death and medical ethics issues in relation to brain trauma
• In Selected departments (Poisoning, Cardiology and ICU, Emergency, Burn) Rotation:
- Poisoning, diagnosis and treatment of patients after heart surgery, balloon pump insertion, dealing with trauma patient and the way of stabilizing hemodynamic in hemorrhagic shock, smoke inhalation, airways burns |