According to the vice chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs’ report, Dr. Nekoofar, the director of International Affairs, Accreditation and Ranking, Pieere Andre Lhote, French Embassy Scientific Advisor and Dr. Heshmati, the chairperson of the France and Iran Academic association board took part in the seminar that was held on December 5th.
Dr. Daavarani, Head of Emergency department of Emam Khomeini Hospital said that this seminar was held due to the request of Iran and France Academic Cooperation Association. The Emergency medicine condition of Iran and France, the way resident students are trained, both countries’ systems of Emergency Medicine, and the most recent activities and proceedings were all discussed.
Dr. Daavarani pointed to the condition of Iran in this regard and said that emergency medicine has helped Iranian medicine to a great extent and has progressed a lot with regard to the resident student training and clinical services.
Dr. Daavarani expressed that the main weakness of Iran in the field of emergency medicine is related to the research and management aspects especially its relation with other institutions.
Mentioning that Iran has honestly confessed its weaknesses in this field, he added that both parties have some positive points though Iran has some weaknesses in performance, management and supporting compared to France.
Dr. Daavarani recognized this seminar as a contributor for more cooperation between Iran and France and added that we suggested the formation of Emergency medicine association of Iran and France in order to succeed and improve.
Dr. Nekoofar, the director of International Relations, Accreditation and Ranking, in addition to supporting the seminar mentioned that following the goals of internationalization of the university, supporting the development of academic and research relations with different universities of the world is on the agenda of the university. In addition to emphasizing the importance of continuous cooperation between the two countries, Dr nekoofar expressed that the performance of academic research projects and student exchange will be supported by both countries.
Translated by: M. Davoudifar