Tehran University of Medical Sciences
Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies & International Affairs
International Human Capacity Development (IHCD)
Code : 10950-346878      Publish Date : Sunday, May 24, 2015 Visit : 2465

Sabbatical leave | Sabbatical Leave Report | Sabbatical Leave in endocrine pathology

Sabbatical Leave in endocrine pathology
Sabbatical Leave in endocrine pathology- by Dr. Seyed Mohammad Tavangar
Application Code :
Created Date : Sunday, February 15, 2015 10:30:03Update Date : Sunday, February 15, 2015 10:30:03
IP Address : Date : Sunday, February 15, 2015 10:30:45Email : tavangar@ams.ac.ir
Final Sabbatical Leave Report Form
Name : Seyed Mohammad
Surname : Tavangar
From : Tuesday, July 1, 2014
To : Saturday, December 20, 2014
Position : Professor
School/Research center : School of Medicine
E-mail : tavangar@ams.ac.ir
subject : Sabbatical Leave in endocrine pathology
Venue : University of toronto, TGH
Country : Canada
Sabbatical Leave Period(...Month) : 6
Certification :
1.Brief summary of Leave : I Started my sabbatical leave about endocrine pathology in university of toronto / toronto General hospital, Department of laboratory medicine and pathobiology.
During this period, I got more experience in all aspects of endocrine pathology, including a variety of neoplastic and non- neoplastic endocrine lesions from thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, adrenal, pancreas, lung, paraganglia and DNES and is enriched by challenging consultation cases from across canada and world -wide
2.List the objectives of your sabbatical leave as listed in your proposal and indicate how completely they were met :
I trained in an outstanding referral place by an experienced endocrine pathologist. I completely achieved all my objective fields in endocrine pathology including:
1- Achievment of experience in pituitary pathology, application of new IHC markers and transcription factors in diagnosis of pituitary adenoma. 
2-New experience in diagnosis of NET using recently developed molecular markers
3- Achievment of experience in thyroid pathology including new standard report in this field.
4-Achievment of experience in parathyroid and adrenal pathology and application of new IHC marker in these fields
5- To get more experience in paraganglioma/pheochromocytoma and application of new IHC markers in diagnosis of these entities.
6-To get more experience in pathology of neuro endocrine tumur.(NET)
3.Acheivements(Publications,research,et.al.) : Achievment of experience in all aspect of endocrine pathology. Beside this experience as a goal of my observership, I developed a collaboration research program between TGH and shariati haspital, specifically about publication of articles in endocrine pathology fields.
4.Assessment of Value of Sabbatical leave(benefits,faculty development,future professional activities,...) : My sabbatical leave was a great experience in a highly academic and referral center. I completely achieved all my objective fields in endocrine pathology including:
Achievment of experience in pituitary pathology, application of new IHC markers and transcription factors in diagnosis of pituitary adenoma. 
New experience in diagnosis of NET using recently developed molecular markers
Achievment of experience in thyroid pathology including new standard report in this field.
Achievment of experience in parathyroid and adrenal pathology and application of new IHC marker in these fields
To get more experience in paraganglioma/pheochromocytoma and application of new IHC markers in diagnosis of these entities.
To get more experience in pathology of neuro endocrine tumur.(NET) Beside participation in teaching sessions and other academic meeting, I saw many many interesting cases in this field.
Additional material may be attached in response to the above summary : http://gsia.tums.ac.ir/images/UserFiles/23456/Forms/280/K.docx
Department Head/Research Center Chair : Dr Alireza Abdollahi