Code : 16310      Created Date : Monday, May 12, 2014   Update Date : Monday, June 30, 2014    Visit : 2995

Educational Program



Reproductive health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of reproductive disease or infertility. It deals with different issues and controversies, including Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Violence against Women, Maternal Health, Access to Safe Abortion, and Stigma and Discrimination.


Reproductive health is a crucial part of general health and a central feature of human development. Since reproductive health compromises a huge part of general health we are eager to inform you about our 2014 summer school on reproductive health. It is essential for all medical students from all around the globe, with different backgrounds, to acquire basic knowledge on this subject and also to be familiar with various policies concerning reproductive health.


During our program following subjects will be discussed:


Overview of reproductive health

  1. Definition: reproductive and sexual health
  2. Global demographic and epidemiological transitions
  3. Reproductive health indicators and surveillance
  4. International strategies toward reproductive health
  5. Gender and sex


Family planning

  1. Family planning Concept
  2. Various approaches toward family planning
  3. Contraception and contraceptive availability
  4. Condom negotiation



  1. HIV/AIDS basic sciences
  2. HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment
  3. Pregnancy and prenatal HIV infection


Sexually transmitted infections and reproductive cancers

  1. Most prevalent STDs
  2. Variation in education, treatment and prevention of STDs internationally(with special look to special population)
  3. Female reproductive cancers
  4. Male reproductive cancers


Special population; stigma and discrimination

  1. Sex workers in developing and developed countries
  2. Homosexual,   trans gendered individuals
  3. Social indicators and influences
  4. Sexual abuse


Neonatal and maternal health

  1. Neonatal and infant health and mortality
  2. Sexual education of children
  3. Adolescent reproductive and sexual health
  4. Maternal health and mortality
  5. Abortion
  6. Policy making for improving maternal and neonatal health
  7. Policy making regarding maternal mortality reduction


The educational program consists of lectures given by well-known professors of TUMS as well as professors of IRCHA (Iranian Research Center for HIV/AIDS). There will be workshops conducted by some of our most talented students and researchers. These workshops will not only be in the field of reproductive health but also there are several exciting workshops on various controversial public health issues and general skills. Every session will be as interactive as possible .you will face several tasks which will challenge you and improve your team work skills as well.

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