Created Date : Sunday, September 21, 2014   Update Date : Sunday, September 21, 2014    Visit : 6467

Ph.D. in Hematology and Blood Transfusion


School : School of Allied Medicine Sciences
Department : Hematology and Blood transfusion
Curriculum : Download
Major : Hematology and Blood transfusion
Level : Ph.D.
Course Description : AIM AND EXPLANATION
PhD in Laboratory Hematology and Blood Banking is the major area of research. The aim and teaching of Laboratory Hematology and Blood Banking is to provide graduates an insight into the areas of interest in the in this field.
After graduating from this field, graduates can work in the Laboratory of Hematology and Blood Banking. They can also lecture in the university in this field.
It saves money as graduates will have the opportunity to study here in this University as compared to the past when students had to travel to other countries and universities to study in this field. It is also important that it will provide detailed research into the field of Hematology as compared to the past. Experts in this field also work as part of basic science.
Course Duration : Min 4 Years
Max 5 Years


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