Created Date : Saturday, August 1, 2015   Update Date : Saturday, August 1, 2015    Visit : 1639

Preceptorships in Cardiac SPECT

TUMS is the oldest and most well-known medical center in Iran, nationally as well as internationally. TUMS, as one of the country’s top research universities, accepts applications from the most qualified students. It also has the largest schools of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, rehabilitation, allied medical sciences, public health, advanced technologies in medicine, nutritional sciences and dietetics, and nursing and midwifery in Iran as well as a virtual school.

Module A-1


Aim: This training program is designed for the physicians to get expertise in nuclear cardiology.


The nominee will become familiar with the cardiac SPECT & SPECT/CT in 4 weeks. and he or she will be able to direct the procedure and report the myocardial SPECTs without supervision in 16 weeks. The applicant should also participate in a clinical and an MCQ exam at the end of the 16-week course and, the fail/pass result would be denoted in the final certification. 


Course Duration: 16 and 4 weeks training courses; 4 days a week


Course Location: Department of Nuclear Medicine, Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Iran


Daily Training Schedule

  • Two hours a day hands-on interpretation of myocardial perfusion SPECs; the nominee should interpret and report more than 30 myocardial SPECTs per week under direct supervision of the attending nuclear physicians;
  • Two hours a day participation in data acquisition and process of the images (>30 scans /wks);
  • Participation in stress procedures; and,
  • Discussions of the procedure, indication and interpretation criteria.


2015 Starting Dates:  30 September and 15 October; based on available, slots the start dates are flexible.


Course Director: M. Eftekhari, M.D.

Instructor: B. Fallahi, M.D.


Inscriptions and further information:

M. Abbasi M.D.

Department of Nuclear Medicine, Vali-e Asr Hospital

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran 1419731351, Iran

Tel: (+98 21) 6119 2405

Fax:  (+98 21) 6657 5103



Module A-2


Aim: This training program is designed for the technologists to get experience in nuclear medicine imaging in cardiology.


The nominee will be familiar with the cardiac SPECT & SPECT/CT imaging in 4 weeks, and he or she wll be able to perform the procedure practically without assistance at 16 weeks. He or she should participate in a clinical and an MCQ exam at the end of the 16-week course, and the fail/pass result would be denoted in the final certification. 


Course Duration: 12 and 4 weeks training courses; 5 days a week

Course Location: Department of Nuclear Medicine, Shariati Hospital, Tehran, Iran


Daily Training Schedule

  • Two hours a day hands-on acquisition of myocardial perfusion SPECs and SPECT/CTs; the nominee should perform more than 30 myocardial SPECTs per week under direct supervision of the attending technologists/nuclear physicians;
  • One hours a day participation in preparation of the radiopharmaceuticals; the participation include observation and then active engagement in the procedure;
  • Participation in pharmacologic and exertional cardiac stress procedures;
  • Reading and face to face discussions of the procedure.


2015 Starting Dates: 30 September and 15 October; based on available slots, the start dates are flexible.


Course Director: M. Eftekhari, M.D.

Instructor: B. Fallahi, M.D.


Inscriptions and further information:

M. Abbasi M.D.

Department of Nuclear Medicine, Vali-e Asr Hospital

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran 1419731351, Iran

Tel: (+98 21) 6119 2405

Fax:  (+98 21) 6657 5103



Module B-1


Aim: This training program is designed for cardiologists, radiologists and physicians with particular interest in the field of cardiac imaging. Nuclear physicians not already familiar with the cardiac SPECT may also take benefit of the program.

The nominee will be familiar with the cardiac SPECT in 4 weeks, and he or she will be able to direct the procedure and report the myocardial SPECTs without supervision in 16 weeks. He or she should participate in a clinical and an MCQ exam at the end of the 16-week course, and the fail/pass result would be denoted in the final certification.


Course Duration: 16 and 4 weeks training courses; 4 days a week

Course Location: Department of Nuclear Medicine, Vali-e Asr Hospital, Tehran, Iran


Daily Training Schedule

  • Two hours a day hands-on interpretation of myocardial perfusion SPECs; the nominee should interpret and report more than 30 myocardial SPECTs per week under direct supervision of the attending nuclear physicians;
  • Two hours a day participation in data acquisition and process of the images (>30 scans /wks);
  • Participation in stress procedures; and,
  • Discussions of the procedure, indication and interpretation criteria.


2015 Starting Dates: 30 September and 15 October; based on available slots, the start dates are flexible.


Course Director: Saeed Farzanfar, M.D., EBNM

Instructor: Mehrshad Abbasi, M.D.


Inscriptions and further information:

M. Abbasi M.D.

Department of Nuclear Medicine, Vali-e Asr Hospital

Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran 1419731351, Iran

Tel: (+98 21) 6119 2405

Fax:  (+98 21) 6657 5103


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