Code : 2308      Created Date : Wednesday, July 18, 2012   Update Date : Monday, April 21, 2014    Visit : 7817

TUMS Staff Proposals

Tehran University of medical Sciences (TUMS) hopes to offer training programs to groups as well as individuals in fields related to medical sciences.




Training Programs and Fellowship Proposals


As part of our globalization efforts, Tehran University of medical Sciences (TUMS), Office of International Affairs will provide training opportunities to interested qualified applicants.


We hope to offer training programs to groups as well as individuals in medical sciences fields.


If you are an interested student and would like to participate in our training programs, please study the open opportunities which apply to your background, complete and submit the outlined information.


Interested professors and faculty members who would like to propose a training course to be held at TUMS please contact us.


For more information please contact
Ms. N. Dastjerdi
88 91 20 91 Ext 139





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