Code : 17659      Created Date : Wednesday, February 3, 2016   Update Date : Sunday, October 2, 2016    Visit : 4989

Michel Drancourt





Professional biography:

Michel Drancourt, MD, Ph.D.studied medicine and medical microbiology at Marseilles University where he graduated. He spent a doctoral visit in the Centers for Diseases Control, Atlanta and then assisted Prof. Didier Raoult in his laboratory in Marseilles, France. He specialized in emerging infections and microbes and notably participated to the first description of Bartonella endocarditis in the New England Journal of Medicine. He also developed paleomicrobiology and led some initial contributions to the study of past infections, notably past plague epidemics. His research work is so significant that Legionella Drancourtii sp. nov. described in reference of his name, in 2004.

He is now pursuing his research on neglected emerging organisms such as archaea and planctomycetes as members of the human microbiota and opportunistic pathogens; and on mycobacteria with the development of new techniques for the rapid diagnosis of tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacteria. He co-authored more than 300 international publications and 15 patents and co-founded a start-up devoted to serology of infectious diseases, having an H-Index of 45. He was Associate Editor in Chief of Clinical Microbiology and Infectionuntil the creation of New Microbes & New Infections. He is currently, head of two Microbiology Research Centers in Marseille, and member of editorial board for journals of good standing like Clinical Microbiology, etc. 

On August 31, 2014 Professor Michel Drancourt was presented with the TUMS Distinguished Visiting Professor Title for the duration of 2014-2017 by head of Microbiology Department of School of Medicine. Prof. Michel Drancourt is among first visiting professors of TUMS School of Medicine. 

Research interests:


Most significant publications:


On August 24-25, 2014 prof. Drancourt was invited to the 15th Iranian and International Congress of Microbiology. While staying he visits school of medicine of TUMS and he also had a meeting with the Medical School faculty members, Dr. Feizabadi (Scientific Secretary of the International Congress of Microbiology & Faculty Staff at the Department of Microbiology), Dr. Mirsalehyan (Head of the Department of Microbiology), Dr. Pazhouhi (Consultant to the Dean of School of Medicine, TUMS) and Dr. Nekoufar (Manager of International Relations, Accreditation and Ranking of TUMS).

The meeting emphasized importance of joint programs between Tehran University of Medical Sciences and the University of Marseille in France and it was concluded by planning a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the two universities. The signatories emphasized on making the signed MoUs for the purpose of developing scientific and research collaborations practical. According to the MoU, the universities will collaborate in the fields of joint publications, seminars, etc.



Prof. Drancourt delivered a lecture entitled “Organization of the Mycobacteriology Laboratory” at the 15th Iranian and International Congress of Microbiology


Influence beyond the academy (optional)


Inspiring passions and concerns(optional)


Hopes for the Visiting Professor Programme:

Currently, there is no Iranian student at Marseille Medical University, Prof. Drancourt said and added that the university is ready to accept two Iranian students a year, as the first step. He also stated that the ground is paved for exchange of faculty and students and also for holding PhD and Postdoc courses at Marseille. Microbacteriology department of Marseille Medical University welcomes holding joint degree programs with TUMS, he further asserted.  


Related News:


Microbiology Congress, Opportunity for Further Collaborations

Meeting with Professor Michel Drancourt during the Fifteenth International Congress of Microbiology

