Code : 17660      Created Date : Wednesday, February 3, 2016   Update Date : Sunday, October 2, 2016    Visit : 4349

Willem Van Leeuwen

Institute of Biology Leiden

Sylviusweg 72

2333 BE Leiden

+31 71 527 2727


Professional biography:

Prof. Dr. Willem van Leeuwen studied Microbiology on the University of Applied Science in Rotterdam (BSc in 1975) and specialized in Medical Biology on the University of Applied Science in Etten-Leur, The Netherlands (MSc in 1982). In 2002 he became a specialist in Medical Molecular Microbiology at the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, department of Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases. 

The professorship Innovative Molecular Diagnostics Hogeschool Leiden, State since February 2006, led by dr. Willem van Leeuwen. He is former head of the molecular diagnostic laboratory of the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases at the Erasmus Medical Center. Since 2013, professor Willem van Leeuwen is fulltime employed by the research group Innovative Molecular Diagnostics.

On August 31, 2014 Professor van Leeuwen was presented with the TUMS Distinguished Visiting Professor Title for the duration of 2014-2017 by head of Microbiology Department of School of Medicine.

Research interests:


Most significant publications:


On August 24-25, 2014 prof. van Leeuwen was invited to the 15th Iranian and International Congress of Microbiology. While staying he visits school of medicine of TUMS. 

Professor van Leeuwen had a meeting with a number of professors at TUMS School of Medicine and some officials at TUMS Office of Vice Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs.

He also as a Microbiologist and Head of TopLab from University of Applied Sciences Leiden signed an MoU with TUMS in order to expand mutual collaboration among two unniversities.

On August 25-27, 2015 prof. van Leeuwen took part in the 16th Iranian and International Congress of Microbiology. 

On May 28, 2016 he had a meeting with Vice-Dean for International Affairs of school of dentistry and number of faculty members of that school. The discussion which was mentioned in that meeting was so tempting to sign another MoU for the purpose of extending collaboration among both universities.



Prof. van Leeuwen hold three separate workshops in the Department of Microbiology on 29 and 30 august, 2015 that the summary of the workshop discussions as follows:

1.Epidemiological Typing Methods and the Impact on Infection Control
In this workshop, first, the importance of the subject of hospital infections as a global problem was dealt with the review of the pilot studies, which represents a reduction of hospital infections by using the typing method in the health care centers. Professor began the subject of molecular typing methods with an explanation of basic concepts in epidemiology, and then snapped in the explanation field of all typing methods and how to interpret the results of them. Distinguishing features of this workshop is to introduce and explain new typing methods including Mass MALDI-TOF-spectroscopy.

2.How to Write and Submit an Article
Generally the main topics discussed at the workshop include Problems in article writing and submission, standard operating procedures for article submission and how to write a good abstract and its key principals. Professor in this workshop discussed on the importance of different parts of an article and explained the mistakes that the authors may be do in any of the parts of manuscript. In the end, he had an overview of the key principals in writing different parts of a manuscript which was very attracted to the participants.

3.Quantitative PCR and Its Troubleshooting
In the beginning of this workshop was paid to explain of Real Time PCR and the basic concepts and technical methods was reviewed. Workshop was continued on clarifying the importance and the benefits of using this method and compare it with the traditional PCR. This workshop was focused on methods for highly specialized, and provided very useful explanations because of the importance of interpretation of the results in Real Time PCR. Professor had a fascinating debate in the context of how to calculate the efficiency of this procedure and the introduction of the factors influencing the efficacy and at the end of how could get rid of these adverse effect.



He also delivered a lecture entitled “Single cell MALDI TOF, the next generation!” at the 15th Iranian and International Congress of Microbiology. And another lecture entitled “Health care associated infections by (MR)SA” at the 16th Iranian and International Congress of Microbiology.



On May 23-26, 2016 prof. van Leeuwen was invited to have a lecture in a three-day workshop on the background of Control and preventing of infection diseases in hospitals. This workshop took place in Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex. It was well received by students and faculty members of TUMS.

Influence beyond the academy (optional)


Inspiring passions and concerns(optional)


Hopes for the Visiting Professor Programme:

During his visit, Prof. Willem Van Leeumen expressed willingness for implementing joint programs, adding that faculty members should facilitate academic collaborations between two universities. He also mentioned student enthusiasm about topics encourage him to expand his collaboration at TUMS.

He further stated that communicating with universities like TUMS with high capacities and potentials for joint cooperation, is among priorities of University of Applied Sciences Leiden.  

Head of Microbiology Department of School of Medicine of TUMS said the method which was used by professor val Leeuwen during his workshops were so dynamic and attractive which encourage student to pay more attention to the topics. He was delighted of Prof. van Leeuwen's contribution and he is truly hopeful in continuation of having presence of professor van Leeuwen in TUMS.

Director of International Relations, Accreditation and Ranking of TUMS said: “It’s an honor to have such active and persuaded visiting professor in university, and also he mentioned it could be an opportunity to sign an MoU for mutual academic collaboration among school of dentistry, school of medicine of TUMS and University of Applied Sciences Leiden.”

