Dr. Abbas Ay Taher is present Dean of Faculty of Dentistry and Consultant of OMF Surgery , Former E-Professor UCK, London(UK), Consultant Maxillofacial Surgeon London (UK).
He studied specialty in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at TUMS School of Dentistry. He is now a senior research fellow in Speech Pathology (City University), and also head of OMF Surgery ,in different Hospitals in Kuwait ,Tehran .
He also have more than 35 years experiences in Teaching, Surgery, pain management, Hospital Management, Post traumatic stress disorder.
On May 31, 2015 Dr. Abbas Ay Taher was presented with the TUMS Distinguished Visiting Professor Title for the duration of 2015-2018 by dean of School of Dentistry.
In return of the August 2014 visit of Director of International Relations, Accreditation and Ranking Dr. Nekoofar, accompanied by Dr. Khami, Vice Dean of TUMS School of Dentistry for international affairs, a Deligation of Kufa University in cluding Dr. Ay Taher paid a visit to TUMS Schools and met with officials of the university.
On October 21, 2014, He visited School of Dentistry and School of Nurning and Midwifery of TUMS. After visiting TUMS School of Dentistry, Dr. Ay Taher, dean of Faculty of dentistry of University of Kufa signed an MOU with dean of school of dentisry of TUMS.

On the second day of visit of University of Kufa deligation of TUMS, they had meeting with TUMS Chancellor, Dr. Jafarian. Dr. Ay Taher on behalf of Chancellor of Kufa University, spoke of their willingness for mutual collaborations in the fields of medicine, dentistry, nursing and pharmacy and professor and student exchange, with TUMS. He also emphesize on putting into action the MOUs which signed in 2014.
On October 2014 they visited TUMS School of Dentisry, Nursing and Midwifery and Pharmacy. They signed 3 MOUs, adding previous signed MOU by Dr. Nekoofar with University of Kufa, with each of schools.
On May 30, 2015 Following the 2014 visits and signed MOUs, Dr. Ay Taher accompanied by Dr. Mohammed Saeed Abdul-Zahra, Dean of Faculty of Medicine of University of Kufa paid a visit of TUMS. During their two days visit, they had a meeting with Deans of TUMS Schools. and also they had a meeting with Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs of TUMS.