Basturk Fatima Betul, Nekoofar Mohammad Hossein, Günday Mahir, Dummer P M (2018). X-Ray Diffraction Analysis of MTA Mixed and Placed with Various Techniques. Clinical Oral Investigations, 22(4), 1675-1680., Doi: Https://Doi.Org/10.1007/S00784-017-2241-9
Türkaydın Dilek, Demir Erhan, Basturk Fatima Betul, Sazak Ovecoglu Hesna (2017). Efficacy Of Xp-Endo Finisher in The Removal Of Triple Antibiotic Paste From Immature Root Canals. Journal Of Endodontics, 43(9), 1528-1531., Doi: 10.1016/J.Joen.2017.04.017
Basturk Fatima Betul, Nekoofar Mohammad, Günday Mahir, Paul Dummer (2015). Effect Of Varying Water To Powder Ratios And Ultrasonic Placement On The Compressive Strength Of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate. Journal Of Endodontics, 41(4), 531-534., Doi: 10.1016/J.Joen.2014.10.022
Basturk Fatima Betul, Nekoofar Mohammad Hossein, Günday Mahir, Dummer Paul (2014). Effect Of Various Mixing And Placement Techniques On The Flexural Strength And Porosity Of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate. Journal Of Endodontics, 40(3), 441-445., Doi: 10.1016/J.Joen.2013.08.010
Ercalik Yalcinkaya Sebnem, Peker Mehmet Sertac, Garip Berker Yildiz, Basturk Fatima Betul (2014). Knowledge And Attitudes Of Turkish Endodontists Towards Digital Radiology And Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Nigerian Journal Of Clinical Practice, 17(4), 471-478., Doi: 10.4103/1119-3077.134044
Kaptan Rabia Figen, Haznedaroglu Faruk, Basturk Fatima Betul, Kayahan Mehmet Baybora (2013). Treatment Approaches And Antibiotic Use For Emergency Dental Treatment İn Turkey. Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, 9, 443-449., Doi: 10.2147/Tcrm.S52009
Basturk Fatima Betul, Nekoofar Mohammad Hossein, Günday Mahir, Dummer Paul (2013). The Effect Of Various Mixing And Placement Techniques On The Compressive Strength Of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate. Journal Of Endodontics, 39(1), 111-114., Doi: 10.1016/J.Joen.2012.09.007
Basturk Fatima Betul, Nekoofar Mohammad Hossein, Garip Berker Yildiz, Sazak Ovecoglu Hesna, Günday Mahir, Messer Harold, Dummer Paul (2014). Fractographic Analysis of Protaper And Mtwo Systems; Breakage and Distortion in Severely Curved Roots Of Molars. Saudi Journal of Oral Sciences, 1(1), 19-24., Doi: 10.4103/Wkmp-0056.124181
Kaptan Rabia Figen, Haznedaroglu Faruk, Kayahan Mehmet Baybora, Basturk Fatima Betul (2012). An Investigation Of Current Endodontic Practice İn Turkey. The Scientific World Journal, 2012, 1-6., Doi: 10.1100/2012/565413
Nekoofar Mohammad Hossein, Davies Thomas, Stone David, Basturk Fatima Betul, Dummer Paul (2011). Microstructure and Chemical Analysis of Blood Contaminated Mta. International Endodontic Journal, 44(11), 1011-1018., Doi: 10.1111/J.1365-2591.2011.01909.