Code : 18970      Created Date : Saturday, December 29, 2018   Update Date : Tuesday, January 1, 2019    Visit : 2122

Julita Sansoni

Public Health and Infectious Disease Nursing Research Unit

Sapienza University of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro

5 00185 Rome (Italy)




On July, 2018 Dr. Sansoni was presented with the TUMS Distinguished Visiting Professor Title for the duration of 2018-2021 by Dean of School of Nursing and Midwifery.


Research Interests:

  • Alzheimer’s caregivers

  • Loss and Death

  • Disasters/Earthquake

  • Family Nursing (EU project)

  • Singing and Health


Top Selected publications:

  • Latina R., Mastroianni C., Sansoni J., Piredda M., Casale G., D’Angelo D., Tarsitani G., De Marinis MG. (2012) The use of Complementary Therapies for chronic Pain in Italian Hospices, Professioni Infermieristiche, anno 65,4,244-250

  • Mitello l: Sansoni, J. (2012) Right to life, right to end of life: some considerations, Professioni Infermieristiche, Vol. 65,3,184-191

  • Anderson K.H. , Friedemann M.L., Buscher3 A., Sansoni J. & Hodnicki , D.(2012) Immersion research education: students as catalysts in international collaboration research, International Nursing Review, on line in press 1-Sansoni J, Vichi R, Speranza A.(2012)The experience of coma patients and their relatives, Prof Inferm. 2012 Apr-Jun;65(2):89-102

  • Capodilupo A, Danieli M, Sansoni J.(2012) Post-traumatic stress disorder in the Ares 118 voluntary ambulance staff in the Latina area: Preliminary study to validate the PTSS-10]., Prof Inferm. Jan-Mar;65(1):46-54.

  • Sansoni J, Mariani P, De Caro W, Sorrentino M, Marucci AR, Giammarco E, Di Foggia F, Cristofaro D, van de Mortel T.(2011) Hand washing: comparison between Professionals and Students behaviours in a large University hospital of Rome].,Prof Inferm. Oct-Dec;64(4):194-204

  • Cicolini G, Palma E, Tafuri E, Sansoni J, Giamberardino MA.( 2011), Effectiveness of the telephonic-case-management for treatment of headache. A pilot study..Prof Inferm. Jul-Sep;64(3):173-8.

  • Varela G, Varona L, Anderson K, Sansoni J. Alzheimer's Care at Home: A focus on caregivers strain], Prof Inferm. 2011 Apr-Jun;64(2):113-7.

  • Van De Mortel TF, Kermode S, Progano T, Sansoni J.A comparison of the hand hygiene knowledge, beliefs and practices of Italian nursing and medical students.J Adv Nurs. 2011 Jul 3. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05758.x.

  • Murgia C, Sansoni J. Stress and nursing : study to evaluation the level of satisfaction in nurses.Prof Inferm. 2011 Jan-Mar;64(1):33-44.

  • Sansoni J, Sorrentino M, Giammarco E, Mariani P.Awareness and respect of procedures for hand hygiene: review of the literature].Prof Inferm. 2010 Oct-Dec;63(4):211-22.

