Code : 9345-331682      Created Date : Sunday, October 20, 2013   Update Date : Sunday, October 20, 2013    Visit : 3181

26th APACRS Annual Meeting

The Report of 26th APACRS Annual Meeting by Dr.Seyed-Farzad Mohammadi
Application Code :
Created Date : Monday, May 20, 2013Update Date : Thursday, September 12, 2013IP Address :
Submit Date : Thursday, September 12, 2013Email :
Personal Information
Name : Seyed-Farzad
Surname : Mohammadi
School/Research center : Eye Research Center, Farabi Eye Hospital
Possition : Assistant professor
Tel : +98-21-55416134
E-mail :
Information of Congress
Title of the Congress : 26th APACRS Annual Meeting
Title of your Abstract : Cataract Surgery at Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran; Reasons for 'Less than Excellent' Outcome
Venue : Suntec Singapore Convention Center
From : Thursday, July 11, 2013
To : Sunday, July 14, 2013
Abstract(Please copy/paste the abstract send to the congress) : Cataract Surgery at Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran: Reasons for ‘Less thanExcellent’ Outcome
S-Farzad Mohammadi, Hassan Hashemi, Arash Mazouri, Hadi Z-Mehrjardi, NazaninRahman-A, Mercede Majdi, Ramak Roohipour, Mahmoud Jabbarvand, Akbar Fotouhi
Eye Research Center, Farabi Eye Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences; Noor Ophthalmology Research Center, Noor Eye Hospital; AJA University of Medical Sciences; Students' Scientific Research Center (SSRC), Tehran University of Medical Sciences; Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department, School of Public Health, TehranUniversity of Medical Sciences
To report the visual outcomes of cataract surgery at the largest university eye hospitalin Tehran and to identify determinants of outcome.
1285 records of age-related cataract procedures during 2006-2007 were randomlyselected and their baseline characteristics documented. A sample of 353 patients (405 eyes) wererecruited for an outcome visit with comprehensive examination two years post-operatively. Up tothree causes of visual loss (‘contributory reasons’) were listed, and the principle cause of ‘less thanexcellent outcome’ (best spectacle-corrected visual acuity <20/25) was defined as the primaryreason.
The mean age of the participants was 68.6 years and 50.7% were female.Phacoemulsification had been performed in 92.1%. Of the 405 eyes, 54%, 78%, and 97% of theeyes achieved a best-corrected acuity of ≥20/25, ≥20/40, and ≥20/200, respectively. Poorer visualoutcome was associated with older age, female sex, ocular comorbidities, surgically challengingeyes, long and short eyes (vs. eyes with normal axial length), and being operated on by a novicesurgeon. The leading contributory reasons to a less than excellent outcome – in a descending order– were foveopathy, posterior capsule opacification (PCO), corneal opacity and degenerativemyopia.
The outcome of cataract surgery (and phacoemulsification) in our center wasas desirable as that of the developed nations. Foveopathy, PCO, corneal opacity, degenerativemyopia, and age-related macular degeneration caused mild, moderate, and severe visual loss,respectively.
Keywords of your Abstract : Cataract Surgery Outcome, Phacoemulsification, Farabi Eye Hospital
Acceptance Letter : - APACRS Notification of Abstract Acceptance For Free Papers and Posters – 26th Apacrs Annual Meeting, 11-14 July 2013, SUNTEC Singapore_3.pdf
The presentation : Poster
The Cover of Abstract book :
Published abstract in the abstract book with the related code :
Where has your abstract been indexed? : none
If you choose other, please name :  
The Congress Reporting Form
How many volunteers were present at the Congress? : ~ 3500
Delegates from which countries presented in the congress? : Asia Pacific region
Were the delegates of any other organizations present in the congress? : Yes
If yes, please write the names of the organizations in the box : Asia-Pacific Academy of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
What were the responses to your talking points? Were specific questions or concerns raised? : No, I presented a poster. The poster presentation was in the form of traditional hard copy. I had the pdf and printed it in a nearby stationary office at a cheap price of 5 USD! The poster was in Black & White and I designed it myself.
If you met staff members, please list their full names & positions. : Prof Donald Tan; President of Cornea Society
Please inform us if there are any follow up actions we need to talk with the members of the congress : APACRS is a regional sub specialty meeting on Cataract & Refractive Surgery. It was interesting to observe the region development independent from Europe & North America. It is noteworthy that they do not consider us (Iranians) as Asian, we are Middle-eastern! But we know that we are not embodied in Middle-east too.
...I attended different sessions and symposia; one of them was on the clinical & technical comparison of Femtosecond cataract surgery platforms; the interaction and critical discussions were enlightening.
We attended a dinner party at National Eye Hospital; it was learning and many points could be benchmarked.
Singapore was extremely beautiful, Botany Garden, Merlion Bay, Senthosa Island, etc. The culture was multinational Asian; city was so clean and neat.
Your experiences about the travel processes(Providing ticket, accommodation,...) : It was OK. Done by Iran travel agencies.
Please give a briefing of your own observations and outcomes of the congress: : APACRS is a regional sub specialty meeting on Cataract & Refractive Surgery. It was interesting to observe the region development independent from Europe & North America. It is noteworthy that they do not consider us (Iranians) as Asian, we are Middle-eastern! But we know that we are not embodied in Middle-east too.
...I attended different sessions and symposia; one of them was on the clinical & technical comparison of Femtosecond cataract surgery platforms; the interaction and critical discussions were enlightening.
We attended a dinner party at National Eye Hospital; it was learning and many points could be benchmarked.
Singapore was extremely beautiful, Botany Garden, Merlion Bay, Senthosa Island, etc. The culture was multinational Asian; city was so clean and neat.


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