Code : 9822-331824      Created Date : Tuesday, November 5, 2013   Update Date : Tuesday, November 5, 2013    Visit : 2386

IADS(international association of dental students)

The Report of IADS(international association of dental students) by Faezeh Amiri
Application Code :
Created Date : Sunday, September 29, 2013Update Date : Friday, October 04, 2013IP Address :
Submit Date : Friday, October 04, 2013Email :
Personal Information
Name : Faezeh
Surname : Amiri
School/Research center : Tehran university of Medical Sciences dental school
Possition : student
Tel : +98-21-66917698
E-mail :
Information of Congress
Title of the Congress : IADS(international association of dental students)
Title of your Abstract : Three-dimensional finite element analysis of the effect of different orthodontic forces on stress distribution in bone during space closure.
Venue : Turkey
From : Tuesday, August 27, 2013
To : Saturday, August 31, 2013
Abstract(Please copy/paste the abstract send to the congress) : Introduction: Space closuring is one of the most common orthodontic challenges. To achieve an ideal orthodontic treatment, estimating the level of stress and strain within the periodontal ligament (PDL) and supporting bone following the application of orthodontic forces seems to be vital. The finite element method (FEM) would be a reliable technique for the simulation and calculation of the local state of stress distribution. The aim of the present study was to use the finite element method to describe the step by step stress distribution in alveolar bone thorough a diastema closure process via bodily or tipping movement between the central incisors of the mandible.
Objectives of the investigation: The aim of the present study was to use the finite element method to describe the step by step stress distribution in alveolar bone thorough a diastema closure process via bodily or tipping movement between the central incisors of the mandible.
Experimental methods used: Four 3D finite element models were designed of an anterior segment of mandible containing lower central incisors, their PDLs, spongy and cortical bone. The models were the same except for the distance of the teeth which were 4.5 mm to 2 mm. The models were designed in SolidWorks 2011 (Concord, 01742 USA) and then transferred to ANSYS Workbench Ver. 12.1 (Cononsburg, USA). A 0.5 N force was applied to produce bodily movement to close the distance between central incisors (simulating the fixed appliance).In the second stage the same force was applied to tip the teeth. Meshed models contained 40078 nodes and 19284 elements. The von Mises stress was evaluated in a defined path in midline between the teeth’s cervical and apical area.
Essential results including data, and eventual statistics: In the fixed appliance models, the cervical area stress was increased between the 4.5 mm distance (= 1.16e-2) model and the 2 mm distance (= 3.56e-2). This increase was also noticed in the apical area from 9.6e-4 (in 4.5 mm distance model) to 2.6e-3 (in 2 mm distance).This increase was shown when the removable type of force application was assessed. The cervical stress was 2.35e-2 MPa in 4.5-mm-distance model and increased to 5.79e-2 MPa in the 2-mm-distance model. The apical stress was 3.79e-3 MPa in the 4.5-mm-distance model and increased to 5.37e-3 MPa in the 2-mm-distance model.
Conclusion: Keeping the same force level in different stages of space closure can increase the stress level in bone. A gradual decrease of the force level in different stages of space closure is strongly suggested.
Keywords: Bone stress; finite element method; Periodontal ligament; space closure, stress distribution.
Keywords of your Abstract : Keywords: Bone stress; finite element method; Periodontal ligament; space closure, stress distribution.
Acceptance Letter :
The presentation : Oral
The Cover of Abstract book :
Published abstract in the abstract book with the related code :
Where has your abstract been indexed? : ISI
If you choose other, please name :  
The Congress Reporting Form
How many volunteers were present at the Congress? : nearly 200 students from different countries,but in oral session only 10 students were accepted.
Delegates from which countries presented in the congress? : poland,saudia,russia,kazakhstan,chile,Iran,turkey,indonesia
Were the delegates of any other organizations present in the congress? : Yes
If yes, please write the names of the organizations in the box : FDI,YDW
What were the responses to your talking points? Were specific questions or concerns raised? : Since the method i have used for my research is a new method in dentistry,the students and also professors in other fields of dentistry seemd intrested,The queastions were manily about the exact details of the method and how the results should be analysed?
If you met staff members, please list their full names & positions. : pavel scarlet(the president of IADS),Dr. Tatiana Vorovchenko (scientific officer of IADS),Dr. Ingmar Dobberstein(President of the YDW) and ...
Please inform us if there are any follow up actions we need to talk with the members of the congress : This congress will be held each year in a country,This time it was in turkey where the FDI congress also held at the same time,so the quality of workshops lecture contest and speechs were really great and I really learned alot not only about the dentistry topics but also about how to present a research,So in a scientific atmosphere of the bests in dentistry world I learned a lot , and I got more confidence .I participated in a dentistry contest ,I did some dentistry procedures like preparing the crown or suturing and I could won in 3th place ,there were 9 other countries in this contest and it was a really different experience for me,although their equipments were very modern and i was never working with some equipped stuffs but I could win so I think in Iran we have good students we must have more cnfidence and improve ourselves!
Your experiences about the travel processes(Providing ticket, accommodation,...) : Turkey is a beautiful country ,its culture is a some how near to us and the poeple are really kind,I visited some famous places like aya soofiye mosque and ...,the accomodation and the flight were not really great.
Please give a briefing of your own observations and outcomes of the congress: : I participated in a dentistry contest ,I did some dentistry procedures like preparing the crown or suturing and I could won in 3th place ,there were 9 other countries in this contest and it was a really different experience for me,although their equipments were very modern and i was never working with some equipped stuffs but I could win so I think in Iran we have good students we must have more cnfidence and improve ourselves! 
In exhibition part of the congress I visited some famous brands in dentistry which we do not know enough about them in our dentistry biusness like colgate,the work shops were great I got the chance to pass a class with the bests in my favorite field endodontics and also I really learned from YDW speechs,it is an organization for young dentisits which are recently graduated and the discussions were really challenging.


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