Code : 9345-331935      Created Date : Tuesday, November 12, 2013   Update Date : Tuesday, November 12, 2013    Visit : 4347

world academy of science, engineering and technology

The Report of world academy of science, engineering and technology by Dr.fatemeh noughani
Application Code :
Created Date : Saturday, October 26, 2013Update Date : Monday, November 11, 2013IP Address :
Submit Date : Monday, November 11, 2013Email :
Personal Information
Name : fatemeh
Surname : noughani
School/Research center : univercity of tehran
Possition : Assistant professor
Tel : +21-228-12521
E-mail :
Information of Congress
Title of the Congress : world academy of science, engineering and technology
Title of your Abstract : the impact of health tourism on patient,s mental health in developing countries
Venue : rome,Italy
From : Thursday, September 26, 2013
To : Friday, September 27, 2013
Abstract(Please copy/paste the abstract send to the congress) : Based on the definition provided by the world tourism organization (WTO), one of the goals which can direct the travel motivation in tourists is traveling for health. Iran's share from tourism industry and tourists is 11% of the world's economy and this value is less than 5% of the nation's currency earnings. Iran's oil earnings are the major important factor which represents the amount of Iran's economy Influence from global economy. On the other hand, because of the dollar value of Iran's oil earnings, any reduction in the dollar value means a reduction in the real value of oil earnings. In addition, oil price increase is the only factor of its economical growth, so by the increase in global oil prices and development of oil earnings, the interest in making improvements in tourism industry reduces significantly. 
Perhaps tourism is an attractive industry and a good support for the economy of Iran, if we try to merge oil earnings and tourism industry it would be better and more constructive than putting them in front of each other. Moving from oil toward tourism economy especially medical tourism, must be one of the prospects of Iran's government for the oil industry to provide a few percent of the yearly earnings of the country. Among the achievements in medical tourism we can name the prevention of brain drain to other countries and an increase in employment rate for healthcare staff, increase in foreign exchange earnings of the country because of the tourists' staying and empowering the medical human resources.
Keywords of your Abstract : developing countries , Health Tourism, Mental Health Iran .
Acceptance Letter :[1]_1.pdf
The presentation : Oral
The Cover of Abstract book :
Published abstract in the abstract book with the related code :
Where has your abstract been indexed? : none
If you choose other, please name :  
The Congress Reporting Form
How many volunteers were present at the Congress? : at least 50 person
Delegates from which countries presented in the congress? : bangkok, phuket, paris,zurich,london, dubai, kualaumpur,barcelona,rio de janerio,miami,Madrid
Were the delegates of any other organizations present in the congress? : Yes
If yes, please write the names of the organizations in the box :  
What were the responses to your talking points? Were specific questions or concerns raised? :
a-ur-rahman saljoki,pk, krzysztof stypula,pl-- alexander vaninsky,us-majid jolouei-rad,au-- arkady bolotion,il-mario mastriani,ar--byong-tak zhang,kr-milos seda,cz-- chanseng he,usa- mikhail e.semenov,ru--chen-yuan chen,tw- nerey h.mvungi,tz--edison muzenda,za-peter pivonka,au--eric t t wong,hk- pavel selyshehev,za-- giovanni incerti, it- quoc-nam tern,us
If you met staff members, please list their full names & positions. : Jiri Pavelka
Masaryk University
Department of Media Studies and Journalism, CZ
fke,germany-university of skatland- university of mexico, university of osterava
Please inform us if there are any follow up actions we need to talk with the members of the congress :
the action is very good becuse relation ship bettwen mental health and toursem . the chiness peopel told us we have a suggestion for you if you could,nt gathering people to gether we can short group for travel or if you can long group you divided to teree or four groups and you can any program for them for them for example we can planning for play .professor glasser told us fun is the genetic reward for learning. we are descended from peopel who learned more or better than others.
Your experiences about the travel processes(Providing ticket, accommodation,...) : during the trip i have a lot of expreance for us
Please give a briefing of your own observations and outcomes of the congress: : Based on the definition provided by the world tourism organization (WTO), one of the goals which can direct the travel motivation in tourists is traveling for health. Iran's share from tourism industry and tourists is 11% of the world's economy and this value is less than 5% of the nation's currency earnings. Iran's oil earnings are the major important factor which represents the amount of Iran's economy Influence from global economy. On the other hand, because of the dollar value of Iran's oil earnings, any reduction in the dollar value means a reduction in the real value of oil earnings. In addition, oil price increase is the only factor of its economical growth, so by the increase in global oil prices and development of oil earnings, the interest in making improvements in tourism industry reduces significantly.Perhaps tourism is an attractive industry and a good support for the economy of Iran, if we try to merge oil earnings and tourism industry it would be better and more constructive than putting them in front of each other. Moving from oil toward tourism economy especially medical tourism, must be one of the prospects of Iran's government for the oil industry to provide a few percent of the yearly earnings of the country. Among the achievements in medical tourism we can name the prevention of brain drain to other countries and an increase in employment rate for healthcare staff, increase in foreign exchange earnings of the country because of the tourists' staying and empowering the medical human resources.


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