Code : 9822-332017      Created Date : Sunday, November 24, 2013   Update Date : Sunday, November 24, 2013    Visit : 2870

The 50th annual meeting of the Japanese society of pediateic allergy and clinical immunology

The Report of The 50th annual meeting of the Japanese society of pediateic allergy and clinical immunology by alireza khayatzadeh
Application Code :
Created Date : Saturday, November 09, 2013Update Date : Wednesday, November 20, 2013IP Address :
Submit Date : Wednesday, November 20, 2013Email :
Personal Information
Name : alireza
Surname : khayatzadeh
School/Research center : Children's Medical Center
Possition : student
Tel : +98-21-61472153
E-mail :
Information of Congress
Title of the Congress : The 50th annual meeting of the Japanese society of pediateic allergy and clinical immunology
Title of your Abstract : A safe and effective method for wheat oral immunotherapy
Venue : Pacifico Yokohama in Japan
From : Saturday, October 19, 2013
To : Sunday, October 20, 2013
Abstract(Please copy/paste the abstract send to the congress) : Background:Wheat products are widely consumed in the world, especially in Asia and wheat allergy is an increasingly problem because now the only available management is avoidance. 
Oral Immunotherapy (OIT) has shown promise for increasing tolerance of wheat in allergic patients. To measure the effectiveness and safety of OIT in patients with wheat allergy, we started wheat OIT in our center from August 2012.
Method:Patients above 5 years old with wheat allergy enrolled in the study. Skin prick test, wheat specific IgE measurement and Oral Food Challenge (OFC) performed before and after OIT. According to history and double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge test, they were divided into two groups with anaphylaxis and without anaphylaxis. We performed Rush Oral Immunotherapy (ROIT) for anaphylactic type and outpatient method for nonanaphylactic type of wheat allergy.We used bread for OIT. In ROIT the patients hospitalized and build up phase performed during several days but in outpatient method the amount of ingestion gradually increased. After completion the build up phase, the children were asked to ingest the maintenance dose "daily" for 3 months. In both groups if they could keep taking the wheat products without adverse reactions for 3 months, they received confirmed OFC. If this challenge was negative, we regarded them as desensitized state and they had to eat wheat products daily without interruption.
Result: Five patients were included in this study. ROIT done for three of them.They had build up phase in 3 days, during this period two patients showed mild reactions which subsided with medications, after that they completed maintenance phase in 3 months successfully without any complications. Outpatient method used for two patients. They had more prolonged build up phase, after completing this period they continued maitenance phase for 3 months. During these phases one patient showed mild to moderate reactions that treated with medical therapy. All studied patients are now consuming wheat products freely without any reactions. Skin prick test and serum specific IgE results showed no significant change after OIT.
Conclusion: Wheat OIT by using this method could be safe and effective in selected patients with wheat allergy although it needs further investigations with more patients. 
Keywords of your Abstract : wheat allergy, desensitization, oral immunotherapy,
Acceptance Letter :
The presentation : Oral
The Cover of Abstract book :
Published abstract in the abstract book with the related code :
Where has your abstract been indexed? : none
If you choose other, please name :  
The Congress Reporting Form
How many volunteers were present at the Congress? : 2000
Delegates from which countries presented in the congress? : Japan, USA, Uk, Korea, China, Germany, Vietnam, Netherlands,
Were the delegates of any other organizations present in the congress? : No
If yes, please write the names of the organizations in the box :  
What were the responses to your talking points? Were specific questions or concerns raised? : my study was the first method in wheat oral immunotherapy with bread and it was very interesting for participants and they requested me more discussion about my study
If you met staff members, please list their full names & positions. : Professor Motohiro Ebisawa,Department of allergy, clinical research for allergology and rheumatology, Sagamihara national hospital, Japan
Professor Hugh A. Sampson, Jaffe food allergy institute, Icahn school of medicine at Mount Sinai,USA
Please inform us if there are any follow up actions we need to talk with the members of the congress : I contacted Professor Ebisawa (President of the 50th annual meeting of JSPACI and my supervisor in this study) and inform him about results about my study.
After completion the results in near future we decided to publish our study in an international journal. probably it will be one of the novel article about wheat oral immunotherapy.
also I spoke with Professor Sampson and I asked him about the latest status of wheat oral immunotherapy in USA.
Your experiences about the travel processes(Providing ticket, accommodation,...) : it was very good.
Please give a briefing of your own observations and outcomes of the congress: : The 50th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology (JSPACI) was in good order with high quality lectures. speakers from different countries presented new aspect about asthma, allergic rhinitis, food allergy and other allergic disorders and treatment of these diseases. distinguished plenary speakers from all over the world participated in this of the interesting things in this congress was discipline in the meetings so all sessions were conducted at the specified time. Congress venue was very suitable and comfortable.
in generally, my participation in this conference can improve my knowledge and my ability for treating the patients and increased my confidence.
I also share my experience to my colleagues.


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