Code : 9822-339932      Created Date : Sunday, August 10, 2014   Update Date : Sunday, August 10, 2014    Visit : 2573

International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS)

The report of International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences (ISCOMS) by Mr. Mohammad Reza Zamani


Application Code :
Created Date : Friday, June 20, 2014 14:54:41Update Date : Sunday, July 20, 2014 14:20:34IP Address :
Submit Date : Sunday, July 20, 2014 14:26:22Email :
Personal Information
Name : Mohammad Reza
Surname : Zamani
School/Research center : School of Medicine
If you choose other, please name your Research center :  
Possition : student
Tel : +98-933-2113923
E-mail :
Information of Congress
Title of the Congress : International Student Congress of (bio)Medical Sciences
Title of your Abstract : Increased plasma levels of interleukin-32α in women with endometriosis: a marker of disease activation
country : Netherlands
From : Tuesday, June 03, 2014
To : Friday, June 06, 2014
Abstract(Please copy/paste the abstract send to the congress) : Increased plasma levels of interleukin-32α in women with endometriosis: a marker of disease activation

Introduction: Endometriosis (EM) is characterized by the aberrant growth of endometrial cells at sites outside the uterus. There are four stages of endometriosis: minimal, mild, moderate, and severe. Interleukin-32α (IL-32α) is a new cytokine, has been implicated in the pro-inflammatory immune responses in several immunological disorders. Clearly the immune system is involved in endometriosis. It is not clear, however, wether and to what extent this involvement is a primary response to the ctopic endometrial growth in an attempt to restore hemeostasis. This study aimed at investigating the potential clinical utility of levels of the Interleukin-32α as a marker of disease activation in women with endometriosis.

Material & methods: We measured plasma levels of Interleukin-32α in 36 Iranian patients with histologically proven for mild (n = 24) and severe (n = 12) endometriosis in comparison to 29 healthy controls by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA).
Results: Plasma levels of Interleukin-32α were significantly higher in the women with sever endometriosis 432.01±199.60 pg/mL in comparison with mild 391.11± 177.9 pg/mL and healthy controls 232.15±175.42 pg/mL
Conclusion: Our data suggest that increased plasma levels of IL-32α are associated with inflammatory responses and disease activation in women with endometriosis.
Keywords of your Abstract : endometriosis, interleukin-32α
Acceptance Letter : of acceptance Zamani.15_1.pdf
The presentation : Poster
The Cover of Abstract book :
Published abstract in the abstract book with the related code :
Where has your abstract been indexed? : none
If you choose other, please name :  
The Congress Reporting Form
How many volunteers were present at the Congress? : about 300
Delegates from which countries presented in the congress? : Iran-India-Japan-Italy-Netherlands-Biritain-Germany-China-Turkey....
Were the delegates of any other organizations present in the congress? : Yes
If yes, please write the names of the organizations in the box : International Eouropean Congress
What were the responses to your talking points? Were specific questions or concerns raised? : The professors who considered my research asked some questions about my work details and I explained enough and finally convinced them. questions were totally specific and arose from my research area.
If you met staff members, please list their full names & positions. : I didnt meet any
Please inform us if there are any follow up actions we need to talk with the members of the congress : I think lack of such international student congress in our country is the potent cause of our international scientific and cultural anonymity . some European students were asking about Iran,its people, culture and history.its really unacceptable that we spend our money in many fields but introducing our country to an effective population of the world. 
Your experiences about the travel processes(Providing ticket, accommodation,...) : I purchased the ticket from private trabvel agency .international student accomodation was prepared for us in vicinity of the congress place
Please give a briefing of your own observations and outcomes of the congress: : ISCOMS is a student congress that takes place every year in Groningen city of the Netherlands.The executive committee consists of medical students, and some professors observe the process of the congress. They were so hospitable and their manner toward us was kind and acceptable. this year, a lot of students from all over the world participated and presented their new researches, met each other and shared their ideas. I also presented my poster at immunology session at which other students from Germany, China and Turkey were present.
Your Comments :