Code : 9822-350517      Created Date : Sunday, November 1, 2015   Update Date : Sunday, November 1, 2015    Visit : 2213

xxiv international symposium on morphological sciences

The report of xxiv international symposium on morphological sciences by Kobra Mehrannia
Application Code :
Created Date : Tuesday, September 15, 2015 22:23:23Update Date : Tuesday, October 20, 2015 13:48:21
IP Address : Date : Tuesday, October 20, 2015 13:48:30Email :
Personal Information
Name : kobra
Surname : mehrannia
School/Research center : School of Medicine
If you choose other, please name your Research center :  
Position : staff
Tel : +98-21-66419072
Information of Congress
Title of the Congress : xxiv international symposium on morphological sciences
Title of your Abstract : Effect of herbal extract of the viola odorata on morphogenesis mice
Country : Turkey
From : Wednesday, September 2, 2015
To : Sunday, September 6, 2015
Abstract(Please copy/paste the abstract send to the congress) : Effect of herbal extract of the viola odorata on morphogenesis of mice
The viola odorata is a species of the genus viola, native to America and Australia. The herb has been used in our country from past till now but recently prescribed in migration encouraged us study effect of this herb and survey the probably teratogenic effect on morphogenesis of mice.
In this study four group of adult mice Balb/c female received herbal extract daily in four concentration. 2.5, 12.5 and 25 mg in 0.25 ml distilled water by oral gavage. The control group only received distilled water (0.25 ml) in gastrulation period (6-15 pregnancy).
After killing maternal mice the fetuses were first studied microscopically regarding gross anomalies and then histologically and clearing method to survey malformation in organ and skeletal system. We didn’t see any malformation in low dosages but we saw bleeding in abdominal region and around the heart and respiratory system in upper dosage.
Comparing this result with control group indicated that the high dosage of this herb maybe has the ability to produce malformation.
Keywords of your Abstract : viola odorata-herbal extract-morphogenesis-mice
Acceptance Letter :
The presentation : Oral
The Cover of Abstract book :جلد.pdf
Published abstract in the abstract book with the related code :
Where has your abstract been indexed? : other
If you choose other, please name : ISSN 1307-8798
The Congress Reporting Form
How many volunteers were present at the Congress? : About 500
Delegates from which countries presented in the congress? : United States, Australia, Italy, Japan, Spain, Portuqal, France, Brazil, Argentina, Nigeria, China, Germany, Sweden, Austria, Iran, Switzerland, Greece, Kazakhista, South Africa
Were the delegates of any other organizations present in the congress? : Yes
If yes, please write the names of the organizations in the box : WFME , AAA,I FAA
What were the responses to your talking points? Were specific questions or concerns raised? : I meet faculty staff from the many countries and counsulate with them about education in anatomy in their counrties.and saw the dsection equipment in turkey and hoped we make like them.
If you met staff members, please list their full names & positions. : PAK SINUS from SYDNY university,PIER from the swiss chiff of WFME,
Please inform us if there are any follow up actions we need to talk with the members of the congress : we need to talk with PAK SINUS about the new atlas of mice and rat brain maping.
need to talk with PIER about education of medical studet .Invite president of the congress to come in our inter national congress.we need to use STEN GRILLNER experiences from from dept of neurosciences in karolinska institute for making neurosciences lab and research.It is good for our department to invite Dr TOMAS HOKFLET from karolinska institute .contact with DIOGO PAISfrom medical faculty ,Lisbon POYUGAL about "new trends in molecular and biomedical imaging"
Your experiences about the travel processes(Providing ticket, accommodation,...) : not good
Please give a briefing of your own observations and outcomes of the congress: : Anatomy dept take part with 13 faculty staff and ph.d student in this congress it was agood experient for us .we have a good poster and presentation and meet great scentists in anatomy .xxiv intrenational congress of morphological sciences that take play in istanbul with 100 oral presentation and 327 poster from all of the world ,and 13 faculty staff and post graduate student from Tehran university of medical sciences and the other Iranian from Iran university of medical sciences,Yasuj university of medical sciences,Azad university,University Rehabilitation ,...........
It was a meeting that faculty staff and researcher interchange their scientific information.
Deot anatomy had 8 oral presentation and 5 poster that was the biggest group in this congress.
we show the scientific researches for the scientist from the other countries and Iranian potent in sciences that were greetd with a warm welcom.


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