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International Conference on Medical Education

The report of International Conference on Medical Education by Asieh Darvish
Application Code :
Created Date : Tuesday, September 1, 2015 08:58:29Update Date : Monday, November 23, 2015 21:07:41
IP Address : Date : Monday, November 23, 2015 21:12:13Email :
Personal Information
Name : Asieh
Surname : Darvish
School/Research center : School of Nursing and Midwifery
If you choose other, please name your Research center :  
Position : instructor
Tel : +98-21-61054311
Information of Congress
Title of the Congress : International Conference on Medical Education
Title of your Abstract : The importance of Nursing Informatics Education as specialty
Destination Country : Turkey
From : Thursday, October 15, 2015
To : Sunday, October 18, 2015
Abstract(Please copy/paste the abstract send to the congress) : Information technology plays high role in nursing practice as a profession. This study emphasizes the importance of nursing informatics education as a specialty to facilitate technology effective application in health care. Study has formed with extensive literature search in databases and articles with focus on emerging technologies and nursing care. As a result it is necessary to empower nurses in different target groups, in order to effectively take advantage of IT in nursing outcome and quality of health care. So it is recommended to provide nursing informatics certificates and Master and Doctoral graduate programs and degrees and related curriculum developments.
Keywords of your Abstract : nursing informatics, education
Acceptance Letter : Acceptance Letter Asieh_6.pdf
The presentation : Oral
The Cover of Abstract book :
Published abstract in the abstract book with the related code :
Where has your abstract been indexed? : other
If you choose other, please name : PakMediNet PASTIC inventory “Directory of Scientific Periodicals of Pakistan”- Pakistan Science Abstracts (PSA) Recognized by Pakistan Medical and dental Council (PMDC) Recognized by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) in category “Y”
The Congress Reporting Form
How many volunteers were present at the Congress? : there were about 360 volunteers present at the congress
Delegates from which countries presented in the congress? : Turkey, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Suodi Arabia, UAE, Germany, Sweden, England, Iran, USA, Iraq, ....
Were the delegates of any other organizations present in the congress? : Yes
If yes, please write the names of the organizations in the box : Ministry of medical education (Turkey)
What were the responses to your talking points? Were specific questions or concerns raised? : The panel moderator was satisfied with my presentation due to the fluent English, scientific, new and interesting subject. She said it could influence her to think about “Nursing Informatics” and its importance. They welcomed me to participate in next conference. I could introduce my university novelty in preparing new curriculum and new levels of programs based on the need of international students. My presentation was completed on 20 minutes with proper time management and time enough time allocation to each part: introduction, IT role in health care, what should we do? And conclusion. 
The history of Nursing Informatics, and the competencies of NI was interesting for participants.
The points to be considered in strategic planning to make empower nurses were noted.
Finally leadership for change and new educational programs were recommended. 
If you met staff members, please list their full names & positions. : Dr. Iskander Sayek (Ministry of Medical Education)
Dr. Fareesa Wagar (chair person of congress)
Please inform us if there are any follow up actions we need to talk with the members of the congress : Recommendation: International collaboration and aligning the Medical School Curriculum with WFME Standards
Since the publication of the WFME standards in 2004, many medical schools have used to conduct their self-study based on these standards. It became part of the quality assurance and accreditation process of many programs. 
I think alignment of all the medical subject curriculums with the WFME standards can help to attract more international students.
First step is mainly translating the meanings in the standards with the curriculum development, implementation and evaluation processes. It can cover the gap between the “curriculum on paper”, and “curriculum in action”, “learned curriculum” and “used curriculum”.
This step will focus mainly on three areas of WFME standards, first to determine strategic plan with mission and aims, then providing educational programs to be implemented; and the last step is defining student assessment and evaluation: 
• Mission and objectives
• Educational program
• Student assessment
Second step is evaluation the quality level. It Recognizes from experiences while conducting self-evaluation, why a response to a standard can be considered acceptable and reflects the annotations and whether it “met the standard” or “did not meet the standard”.
On the other hand, we need organizational readiness and following support. Defining the “World Federation for Medical Education” standards by workshops; and applying a deadline for curriculum change with schedule and timetable team working can be useful.
Based on the report of this conference , in response to WFME global standards, Pakistan Medical & Dental Council has given a deadline to all medical colleges accredited with it, to shift to integrated modular curriculum by 2016. 
In this era of ever changing information technology evolution, critical revise and alignment of medical education with international standards seems to be essential for improvement. Even new programs such as Nursing Informatics should be developed to make healthcare professionals ready for dealing beneficially with the changes based on information technology development.
Your experiences about the travel processes(Providing ticket, accommodation,...) : The process of providing ticket, Hotel reservation, and accommodation , I have done by a tour. Because by doing these steps separately I had to pay more.
Please give a briefing of your own observations and outcomes of the congress: : The articles and workshops have shown that different countries, especially EMRO region are trying to improve their medical educational programs. In healthcare providers, considering a team work by medical group can higher the outcome of care. So the potential of new programs and readiness for WFME alignment is seen. Nurses as well as Physicians need to empower with the information technology weapon for better care giving align with their curriculum. A high level of organizational readiness is required to sustain a successful change in healthcare. 
We should determine faculty`s perceptions; and compare the perceptions of those actively involved in change process and Curriculum Change with those of faculty members not actively involved.
Reasons for change need to be better communicated to those not actively involved in the process.
Self-evaluation using WFME standards as benchmark can help identify deficiencies in the curriculum. 
It can form a basis of curricular reforms and make external evaluation and accreditation. 
Development of a theoretical framework based on WFME standards for all subjects of medical sciences can be useful to evaluate the curriculum in nursing and medical schools who had completed one cycle of complete transformation from discipline based curriculum to integrated modular curriculum.
The increasing globalization of health sciences, as manifested in the rise of migration rate of health care providers and educators across the borders, has inflicted a wave of quality assurance strengths in medical education. 
This has underlined the need for definition of standards and introduction of successful and transparent accreditation systems. These standards are the basis of quality improvement in medical education and all the six WHO/WFME regions use those standards as a template for regional accreditation system:
• WHO headquarters
• WHO African Region
• WHO Region of the Americas
• WHO South-East Asia Region
• WHO European Region
• WHO Western Pacific Region
A strategic partnership was formed in 2004 between the World Health Organization (WHO) and World Federation for Medical Education (WFME). 

This partnership reflects the importance of combined medical education and the healthcare delivery sector to improve medical education quality. Health career in an academic setting can enhance excellence in teaching, research and patient care. 
Identifying areas that need improvement from faculty and students perception using Basic Medical Education WFME Global standards for Quality Improvement is helpful.
More actions and recommendations:
Indicate the ‘level of effectiveness’ in each educational area in the pre-professional program. 
- Indicate the effectiveness of WFME subareas being high in three main areas: Mission and outcome , Educational Setting and Students Assessment .
- Improve Educational Resources and Governance & Administration.
- Improve Program evaluation in the post-professional program.
Focus on:
• Integrating Evidence Based Medicine with informatics skills 
• Scientific thinking
• Have novelty in learning environment 
• Program evaluation
• Involve the professional and experienced faculties on the subject
• Student’s involvement in planning of the program evaluation 
• Teacher and student encouragement in new activities
• Have an institutional students support and counseling unit 
• Teachers encourage students to engage in medical research
• More focus in a wide range of quality assurance besides basic educational standards, such as Program evaluation, Students, Educational resources, Governance & Administration. 
Accreditation of a medical school on global standards requires meeting the standards defined by International bodies. It is very helpful to internally evaluate a curriculum before it is subjected to external evaluation Methods.


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