Code : 9822-352218      Created Date : Wednesday, December 28, 2016   Visit : 2361

The Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2016

The report of The Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2016 by Afsaneh Yakhforoshha
Application Code :
Created Date : Sunday, October 16, 2016-22:07 22:07:40Update Date : Tuesday, December 13, 2016-21:03 21:03:05
IP Address : Date : Tuesday, December 13, 2016-21:03 21:03:22Email
Personal Information
Name : Afsaneh
Surname : Yakhforooshha
School/Research center : School of Medicine
If you choose other, please name your Research center :  
Position : student
Tel : +98-28-33347301
Information of Congress
Title of the Congress : The Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 2016
Title of your Abstract : Primary Care Physician Insights Into a Clerkship and internship curriculum for preparedness in practice
Destination Country : Spain
From : Saturday, August 27, 2016
To : Saturday, September 3, 2016
Abstract(Please copy/paste the abstract send to the congress) : Primary Care Physician Insights Into a Clerkship and internship curriculum for preparedness in practice 
Afsaneh Yakhforooshha*, Tehran University Of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran
Sonia Oveisi
Background: During the last decade, in response to social accountability of doctors in healthcare, influenced undergraduate curriculum. CBE is an educational philosophy that aims to prepare students for responding community needs. However, Lack of community care skills is often a source of insecurity for physician and represents potential danger for the patient. The aim of this study was to clarify primary care physician insights into a clerkship and internship curriculum for preparedness in practice. Summary of Work: In this qualitative study with conventional content analysis approach, the data were gathered from 15 primary care physician that work in health center in Qazvin University Of Medical Science through individual semi-structured interviews and focus group discussions (FGD) continued until data saturation. The interviews were transcribed and analyzed immediately after the interviews. We employed One Note for data analysis using the inductive method of qualitative data analysis. The Unit of analysis was selected and labeled using open coding system, then the similar open codes was categorized in sub themes and at last the were organized to the main themes. Summary of Results: The results of data analysis emerged in 5 main themes including educational issue, system base factor, planning, cultural issue and motivational factors. Discussion: The majority of primary care physician noted that we don’t have opportunity to practice due to short time especially in rural settings. Less than half of the participants mentioned that delivery of healthcare was considered low-value in clinical practice. They found that teachers must be motivated student to engage in health care activity. Conclusion: according to evidence primary care physician (PCP) should enable to do 12 major tasks, 189 subtasks, and 191 total tasks. Stakeholders felt that most new graduates were not ready for community practice. Therefore there is an urgent need for the university to efforts to link its curriculum to the needs of the stakeholders and the country at large.
Keywords of your Abstract : curriculum, Primary Care Physician , practice
Acceptance Letter : acceptance_10.pdf
The presentation : Poster
The Cover of Abstract book : book_6_1.pdf
Published abstract in the abstract book with the related code :
Where has your abstract been indexed? : none
If you choose other, please name : amee abstract booke
The Congress Reporting Form
How many volunteers were present at the Congress? : 100
Delegates from which countries presented in the congress? : Turkey, Sudia Arab, Uman, usa, Egypt, Russia, Canada
Were the delegates of any other organizations present in the congress? : No
If yes, please write the names of the organizations in the box :  
What were the responses to your talking points? Were specific questions or concerns raised? : The participants due to the data that i presented and told them regarding limited
number of publications in the field of community base medical education
If you met staff members, please list their full names & positions. :  
Please inform us if there are any follow up actions we need to talk with the members of the congress :
There are not any follow up actions they you need to talk with the members of the congress
I don’t need any follow up actions because according to the form about poster presentation and workshop attendance that they there is no need to follow up thanks thanks thanksthanks thsnkd thsnks thsnks
thsnks thanks thanks thanks.there is no need to follow up thanks thsnkd thsnks
thsnks thsnks thanks thanks thanksthanks thsnkd thsnks thsnks thsnks thanks thanks
thanks.there is no need to follow up thanks thsnkd thsnks thsnks thsnks thanks
thanks thanksthanks thsnkd thsnks thsnks thsnks thanks thanks thanks
Your experiences about the travel processes(Providing ticket, accommodation,...) : TThe travel was arranged by agency
Please give a briefing of your own observations and outcomes of the congress: : I have observed the situation of community base medical education in middle east region and be informed about their curriculum. I have participated workshop in congress entitle: Cultural
Diversity as a dilemma of interprofessional competency . At the end of workshop
participants will be able to describe about: 1-The main difference regarding communication skills between doctor and patient based on different cultures points
of view in interprofessional communication skill
2-The main dilemma of interprofessional communication
3-The solution of cultural diversity as a one of the dilemmas of interprofessional
In this key annual medical & healthcare professions education platform, regularly attended by 3,500 participants from around the globe. AMEE 2016 takes place at CCIB - Centre Convencions International de Barcelona during 28 - 31 August. Participants were typically teachers, educationists, researchers, administrators and students who came together to network, share ideas and hear what's happening in the area. I participated in an exciting range of plenary and symposia sessions covering simulation- base for education in the healthcare professions. I also participated in PhD reports sessions. In these sessions, AMEE allowed PhD candidates to showcase their PhD thesis and demonstrated how their work could contribute to new knowledge and understanding of health professions education. In addition, AMEE provided examples of the variety of PhD formats across countries and traditions of different scientific domains. Each presentation was 15 minutes, followed by five minutes for questions and discussion. A Chairperson was coordinate the session. In addition, I participate in a workshop that my professor runs it with ASPE organization regarding “Small Group Teaching with SPs: preparing faculty to manage student-SP simulations to enhance learning"
I had article entitle ‘Primary Care Physician Insights into a Clerkship and internship curriculum for preparedness in practice’ accepted as poster presentation. I should be prepared to present my poster on Monday 29 August. Posters are an important part of the AMEE conference and are much valued by participants, as evidenced from the evaluation forms. In fact it can be more challenging for me to produce a high-quality poster and present it effectively than to present a short communication. I should be available by my poster at some time during lunch and/or coffee breaks. I provide a handout with the key messages of my poster I present my poster where approximately 15 presenters will be asked to give a two-three minute presentation of the key messages of the poster, followed by a group discussion. Chairperson, who often had a specific interest in the specific educational field, asked me and evaluated my presentation,
One of the important challenges of participate in this conference was 
• Process of getting visa is time required
• The cost of registration is too expensive for students


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