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The report of 26th annual meeting of the society for virology by Seyed Jalal Kiani

The report of 26th annual meeting of the society for virology by Seyed Jalal Kiani
Application Code :
Created Date : Monday, April 18, 2016-10:05 10:05:40Update Date : Wednesday, February 8, 2017-12:00 12:00:32
IP Address : Date : Wednesday, February 8, 2017-12:00 12:00:38Email :
Personal Information
Name : Seyed Jalal
Surname : Kiani
School/Research center : School of Public Health
If you choose other, please name your Research center :  
Position : student
Tel : +98-21-33792696
Information of Congress
Title of the Congress : 26th annual meeting of the society for virology
Title of your Abstract : Engineering a modified HsPUM1-HD in order to bind to internal ribosome entry site (IRES) of hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Destination Country : Germany
From : Wednesday, April 6, 2016
To : Saturday, April 9, 2016
Abstract(Please copy/paste the abstract send to the congress) : Introduction: PUF (Pumilio/FBF) proteins are a family of RNA-binding proteins that bind to the 3¢-untranslated regions of
specific mRNAs and induce translational repression. The presence of a common C-terminal domain consisting of eight
tandem repeats, known as PUM-HD, for RNA binding is a typical characteristic of PUF proteins.
The eight repeats recognize eight nucleotides 1:1 while three conserved amino acid residues in each repeat bind specifically
to each nucleotide. The specificity of PUM-HD can be changed by mutating these amino acid residues in each repeat. This
versatile architecture provides opportunities to create PUF proteins with desired RNA specificities for a variety of purposes.
Objectives: In this study, we aimed to construct a modified HsPUM1-HD in order to bind sequence-specifically to HCV IRES
to potentially inhibit its critical role in viral polyprotein translation.
Materials & Methods: To change the sequence specificity of PUM-HD from consensus UGUAUAUA, a series of mutations
have been designed in the sequence of the repeats 2 and 6 of HsPUM1-HD to match the combination of amino acid side
chains that bind to UGGAUAAA from loop 3 of HCV IRES.
The expression of modified HsPUM1-HD was induced in BL21(DE3) cells and cell pellets were lysed with sonication. The
supernatant containing the modified HsPUM1-HD was used for pull-down assay with biotinylated RNAs containing the target
sequence from HCV IRES (UGGAUAAA). The samples were analyzed by SDS-PAGE and western blot.
Results: In RNA-protein pulldown assay, the biotinylated RNA and its associated proteins were captured by the streptavidin
beads (figure 1). Figure 1. Pull-down assay. The biotinylated RNAs pulled down the modified HsPUM1-HD (41kD) from cell
lysates (figure 2), while the control RNAs did not (data not shown). Figure 2. Western blot analysis of pull-down assay
Conclusion: The results show that we are able to target HCV IRES by applying desired mutations in HsPUM1-HD
sequence. The potential inhibitory effect of this binding on IRES-dependent translation is under investigation through dual
luciferase reporter assay and HCV cell culture system. Targeting RNA transcripts involved in HCV replication may provide
interesting tools as potential antiviral agents for treatment of HCV infection.
Keywords of your Abstract : -
Acceptance Letter : as poster presentation - 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Virology, 06–09 April 2016, Münster, Germany_2.pdf
The presentation : Poster
The Cover of Abstract book : Book Cover_2.pdf
Published abstract in the abstract book with the related code : in Abstract Book_2.pdf
Where has your abstract been indexed? : none
If you choose other, please name :  
The Congress Reporting Form
How many volunteers were present at the Congress? : 2000
Delegates from which countries presented in the congress? : Germany, USA, UK, China, Belgium
Were the delegates of any other organizations present in the congress? : No
If yes, please write the names of the organizations in the box :  
What were the responses to your talking points? Were specific questions or concerns raised? : interesting, outstanding, very narrow specific subject in the field of molecular cell biology and virology. about how these proteins work and sequence-specifically recognize RNA bases.
If you met staff members, please list their full names & positions. : No
Please inform us if there are any follow up actions we need to talk with the members of the congress : No. There was no specific subject to follow up or talk with the members of the congress. Their research interests were completely different and the methods that were established for study of their subjects are not accessible for us. Making contact and collaborating with other researchers should be possible in order to open new opportunities for Iranian students.
Your experiences about the travel processes(Providing ticket, accommodation,...) : It was good.
Please give a briefing of your own observations and outcomes of the congress: : very interesting achievments and advanced progresses have been made in the field. Specially in the field of virus imaging, there were interesting progresses to image dinamics of viruses and their replication processes in living cells which enables us to study viral replications in detail. Moreover, the mechanism of viral oncogenesis and manipulation of cell signalling pathways by viruses as well as application of viral vectors in gene therapy were some of major subjects of the conference. In the field of antiviral therapies which was my aim to attend this conference, some achievments have been made in the field but there is a long way to go for future.


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