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The report of Implementation of IMRT, VMAT and brachytherapy by Dr. Hassan Ali Nedaei

The report of Implementation of IMRT, VMAT and brachytherapy by Dr. Hassan Ali Nedaei
Application Code :
Created Date : Saturday, February 3, 2018-21:26 21:26:30Update Date : Saturday, February 3, 2018-21:26 21:26:30
IP Address : Date : Saturday, February 3, 2018-21:28 21:28:57Email
Final Sabbatical Leave Report Form
Name : HassanAli
Surname : Nedaei
From : Friday, January 20, 2017
To : Friday, January 20, 2017
Position : Associate professor
School/Research center : School of Medicine
E-mail :
subject : Implementation of IMRT, VMAT and brachytherapy
Venue : Toronto University
Country : Canada
Sabbatical Leave Period(...Month) : 12
Certification :
1.Brief summary of Leave : Sabbatical Report: During of my sabbatical leave at department of Radiotherapy Oncology, Sunnybrook Hospital, Odette Cancer Centre at University Of Toronto, I was working on some research projects parallel to attending on observation of new radiotherapy techniques. I was also working on a new innovation of new Vaginal Brachytherapy cylinder which is useful for sparing of Organ At risks during Vaginal Brachytherapy treatments.( I have registered this idea for innovation at State Organization for registration of Deeds and properties Intellectual Property Centre. One copy of innovation enclosed). By now one oral presentation of my researches had been accepted at: stereotactic radiosurgery/stereotactic body radiation therapy (SRS/SBRT) Scientific Meeting, Las Vegas, US. And one accepted as a poster at ESTRO meeting. The projects that I was involved there were: 1. The effect of different Magnetic field on Ir, Co, Brachy source dose distributions. Using GEANT Monte Carlo Code. 2. Feasibility study of Using Grid with very thin holes on treatment of deep sited tumors. 3. Bladder and Rectum doses during vagina Brachytherapy by designed shield in Miami Applicator Using MCNP 6 Monte Carlo Code. 4. The effect of magnetic Field on produced penumbra and dose distribution during circular cone SRT. (Paper has been submitted at British journal of Radiology). One paper has been published: Monte Carlo calculation of photo-neutron dose produced by circular cones at 18 MV photon beams. Reports of practical oncology and radiotherapy 2 3 ( 2 0 1 8 ) 39–46. Parallel to doing research I was involving to IMRT & VMAT treatment procedures.I followed up their implementation for Prostate, Head & Neck, Thorax and body SBRT. I also observed installing a new Gamma knife machine and commissioning procedure in this center.
2.List the objectives of your sabbatical leave as listed in your proposal and indicate how completely they were met : 1. Implementing of new radiotherapy techniques: IMRT, VMAT 2. Making new brachytherapy applicator for doing DMBT 3. working with newest radiotherapy machine ( MRlinac) 4. Finding out the effect of magnetic field on dose distribution 5. Doing QA, IMRT and VMAT verifications.
3.Acheivements(Publications,research, : Four projects as below: 1. The effect of different Magnetic field on Ir, Co, Brachy source dose distributions. Using GEANT Monte Carlo Code. 2. Feasibility study of Using Grid with very thin holes on treatment of deep sited tumors. 3. Bladder and Rectum doses during vagina Brachytherapy by designed shield in Miami Applicator Using MCNP 6 Monte Carlo Code. 4. The effect of magnetic Field on produced penumbra and dose distribution during circular cone SRT. (Paper has been submitted at British journal of Radiology). By now two acceptance for scientific meeting ( one oral and one poster), one published paper and two submitted papers.
4.Assessment of Value of Sabbatical leave(benefits,faculty development,future professional activities,...) : It helped me to upgrade my knowledge in the new radiotherapy techniques and related technologies as well as machines. Parallel to observation and involving in clinic, I was working on 4 research projects as below: 1. The effect of different Magnetic field on Ir, Co, Brachy source dose distributions. Using GEANT Monte Carlo Code. 2. Feasibility study of Using Grid with very thin holes on treatment of deep sited tumors. 3. Bladder and Rectum doses during vagina Brachytherapy by designed shield in Miami Applicator Using MCNP 6 Monte Carlo Code. 4. The effect of magnetic Field on produced penumbra and dose distribution during circular cone SRT. (Paper has been submitted at British journal of Radiology).
Additional material may be attached in response to the above summary :
Department Head/Research Center Chair : Dr Ali Kazemian


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