Code : 10950-354623      Created Date : Monday, July 30, 2018   Visit : 1801

The report of The social determinants of fatal injuries: A systematic review by Dr. Payman Salamati

The report of The social determinants of fatal injuries: A systematic review by Dr. Payman Salamati
Created Date : Saturday, July 14, 2018-15:19 15:19:35Update Date : Saturday, July 14, 2018-15:19 15:19:35
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Final Sabbatical Leave Report Form
Name : Payman
Surname : Salamati
From : Monday, July 3, 2017
To : Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Position : Professor
School/Research center : Sina Trauma and Surgery Research Center (STSRC)
E-mail :
subject : The social determinants of fatal injuries: A systematic review
Venue : School of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Health, York University, Toronto
Country : Canada
Sabbatical Leave Period(...Month) : 12
Certification :
1.Brief summary of Leave : The social determinants of health are mainly shaped by economics, social policies, and politics. They are circumstances in which people are born, grow up, live, work, and age. Injuries are one of the leading public health problems which cause about 5 million deaths worldwide every year. The social determinants of health are related to injuries through various variables including age, gender, income, employment, rural and urban environment, education, and housing. In this systematic review, electronic recourses and databases including Medline via Ovid SP, EMBASE via Ovid SP, PsycINFO via Ovid SP, PubMed, Scopus, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINHAL) via EBSCOhost comprehensively and systematically evaluated.
2.List the objectives of your sabbatical leave as listed in your proposal and indicate how completely they were met : Main objective: To determine the social determinants of fatal injuries with a systematic review Specific objectives: 1- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and income 2- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and education 3- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and unemployment 4- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and employment conditions 5- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and early childhood development 6- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and food insecurity 7- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and housing 8- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and social exclusion 9- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and social safety net 10- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and health services 11- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and rural settlement 12- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and slum areas 13- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and gender discrimination 14- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and race discrimination 15- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and religious discrimination 16- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and disability 17- To determine relationship between fatal injuries and marriage conditions
3.Acheivements(Publications,research, : It was a joint research creating a couple of papers.
4.Assessment of Value of Sabbatical leave(benefits,faculty development,future professional activities,...) : It was a joint project entitled "The social determinants of fatal injuries: A systematic review" creating an international collaboration. The affiliated faculty was professor Dennis Raphael who is one of the pioneers in the social determinants of health in Canada. I engaged in the department of Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Health, York University, Toronto and presented lectures to students and faculty and had scientific relationships with academic staff. I collaborated with Dahdaleh Institute for Global Health Research, York University, Toronto with the head of institute, professor James Orbinski particularly in their program entitled Shaping the Global Health We Want: Debating Future Research Needs.
Additional material may be attached in response to the above summary :
Department Head/Research Center Chair : Professor Mohammad Reza Zafarghandi


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