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The report of Generating and translating evidence into practice by Dr. Bahareh Yazdizadeh

The report of Generating and translating evidence into practice by Dr. Bahareh Yazdizadeh
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Created Date : Tuesday, July 23, 2019-11:53 11:53:38Update Date : Tuesday, July 23, 2019-11:53 11:53:38
IP Address : Date : Tuesday, July 23, 2019-11:54 11:54:13Email :
Final Sabbatical Leave Report Form

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Name : Bahareh
Surname : Yazdizadeh
From : Tuesday, October 30, 2018
To : Friday, June 28, 2019
Position : Associate professor
School/Research center : Knowledge Utilization Research Center (KURC)
subject : sabbatical
Venue : Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation
Sabbatical Leave Period : 9 months
Country : Australia
1.Brief summary of Leave : I chose Monash Cntre for Health Research and Implementation (MCHRI) for sabbatical because of it’s related work about knowledge translation and implementation science. In this period I did three activities, participation in two review projects, participation in MCHRI research meetings and visiting scientists of Cochrane Australia and director of Australia Knowledge Translation.
2.List the objectives of your sabbatical leave as listed in your proposal and indicate how completely they were met : The main objective of my sabbatical was capacity building and by participation in research and research meetings I have met it.
3.Acheivements(Publications,research, : Participation in two review projects as principle investigator publishing one protocol and drafting its paper
4.Assessment of Value of Sabbatical leave(benefits,faculty development,future professional activities,...) : The most important benefit of sabbatical was deep involvement in the atmosphere of knowledge producer institute in a developed country which is highly responsible to help policy makers and practitioners to improve Australian people health. I heard many times this sentences “what matters is the health of Australian people” from MCHRI’s director, Professor Helena Teede. The Monash Centre for Health Research and Implementation (MCHRI) as a part of the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, is a key partnership between Monash Health and Monash University, forming a unique collaborative centre focused on directly delivering improved health outcomes. Located at Monash Health within the Monash Health Translation Precinct, MCHRI aims to create, synthesise, implement and translate clinical, health services and public health knowledge to deliver health impact. MCHRI's core themes include Women's and Children's Public Health, Chronic Disease, Diabetes and Metabolic Health, both of which cover clinical, health services and public health research, a Healthcare Improvement and Implementation Program, a Research Methodology Platform, and Data-Driven Healthcare Improvement Program, all specifically targeting and strengthening the clinical research programs. MCHRI engages broadly with the Government, the Academic Health Sciences Centre, University Faculties, Independent Institutes, NGOs and community groups, patients and community to bring a breadth of expertise and perspectives to address challenges in health, to drive innovation and to deliver improved patient experience and health outcomes. MCHRI by using related grant has establish “Monash Partners” as Translational Research Centre which is an innovative partnership bringing together some of Melbourne’s leading health professionals and academics to support the health and wellbeing of around 3.5 million Victorians. My explicit achievements from sabbatical leave are:  Extend the scope and horizon of vision: MCHRI is the research institute in the university with close contact with research stakeholders (one of the most important principal in KTE).  Collaboration: I held some meetings with MCHRI researcher and I introduced our research in KURC, close and deep discussions were encouraging for planning future collaboration.  Methodology development: I participate in two review projects, review of reviews and narrative review as principle investigator and both facilitate learning by doing for me. “Review of reviews” is the new secondary research with dominant methodological challenges. I have opportunity to discuss with researcher in our team and one scientist from Cochrane Australia about methodological issues in this field. “Narrative review” is as rigid and rigorous as classic systematic review; the only difference is about Risk of Bias evaluation which is not important subject in this type of review, because of the type of studies in policy research. For increase of my knowledge in this field I participate in GRADE workshop related to these topics.  Sharing lesson learned: sabbatical provides me opportunity to visit scientists in my research area, I met them and I had long discussion about their research. Australia hold “Engagement and Impact” survey, given that my research line is impact assessment of health research, I tried to visit key person of this survey to learn more and more.  Membership in international scientific committee: because I was affiliated to Monash University, I had this opportunity to ask to be a member of GRADE Melbourne and they accepted.
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Department Head/Research Center Chair : Professor Reza Majdzadeh
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