Final Form for Planned Trips
Name : Ehsan
Surname : Shamsi Gooshki
Position : Associate professor
School/Research Center : School of Medicine
Subject(s) of your planned Trip : Annual Meeting of WHO Collaborating Center for Bioethics and World Conference of Bioethics
From : Tuesday, July 19, 2022
To : Saturday, July 23, 2022
Name of Destination University : University of Basel and University of Zurich
Name of Destination Country : Switzerland
Report of Planned Trip : Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Research Center was stablished in 2002 at Tehran University of Medical Sciences as the first scientific center of the field of biomedical ethics in the west Asia and middle east. As well as leading role at the university and also at the national level as the pioneer center, it has been involved in many international activities. In 2020 the center was assigned as the World Health Organization Collaborating Center in Bioethics. At the same time in 2020 Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Research Center joined the “Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centers in Bioethics”. This network is consisted of all 14 WHO collaborating centers in bioethics and plays an important role in providing technical and scientific consultation to the World Health Organization as well and support WHO scientific and research agenda in bioethics. The network’s annual meeting in 2022 was planned for 23 July 2022 which “Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine” hosted the meeting at the University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. In this meeting professor Nikola Biller, director of the host center was elected as the network chair. The report of previous year of each center activities was presented and discussed by participants and future workplans and collaboration opportunities was discussed and reviewed. It is worthy to mention that according to the report of representative of National University of Singapore, Medical Ethics and History of Medicine Research Center at Tehran University of Medical Sciences holds the 1st rank in bioethics in Asia according to “EDU RANK” ranking system which ranks universities in various fields including bioethics. In this ranking National University of Singapore” holds the 2nd rank among universities in Asia. Since this annual meeting was planned concurrent with the 16th World Congress of Bioethics (20-22 July 2022) at the University of Basel, Base, Switzerland), which is held biannually, the opportunity for participation in this important congress was available for all participants of collaborating centers meeting. During 3 days of 16th World Congress of Bioethics many internally recognized experts in the field of bioethics were gathered in Basel which provided the chance for talking and networking with some influential people of the field including editor in chiefs of some pioneer scheitific journals of the field, university professors, researchers, president of World Medical Association and also being engaged with the most recent thoughts in bioethics.
Achievements of Trips in Faculty/Center : Enhancing International Networks and Capacities


00:33 Tehran