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Ophthalmic Diseases Residency Program of the Farabi Eye Hospital

The Residency Program of the Farabi Eye Hospital is aimed to provide comprehensive training in the surgical and medical management of different ophthalmic diseases, as well as giving students the basic science regarding the human vision.

The Residency Program of the Farabi Eye Hospital is aimed to provide comprehensive training in the surgical and medical management of different ophthalmic diseases, as well as giving students the basic science regarding the human vision.  For more than 50 years, it has been successful at educating efficient ophthalmologists who serve as competent clinicians as well as excellent academic staff. Having more than 50 experienced faculty members in different subspecialties, the program could train more than 15 residences each year.  


Admission Criteria for International Applicants

  • A degree in medicine accredited by the Office of Vice-Chancellor for Global Strategies and International Affairs of Tehran University of Medical Sciences
  • Evaluation of applicant’s academic documents including his or her C.V.
  • Personal interviews

Course Curriculum

Please click here to download this course's curriculum.


The program is planned to take 4 years and is divided into observation, comprehensive clinic, and subspecialty rotations.


First 3 Months: Observation

Residents will be observers for three months, and, in this time, they will learn the functions of instruments such as slit lamp, ophthalmoscope (direct, indirect), and different types of lenses (direct, indirect) from professors and senior residents. They will be helped in doing basic ophthalmic exams during this period.

During this three-month period, they will be working in comprehensive clinics and emergency wards. ‘Beginning Course’ theory classes will be held in the morning, and the presence of all residents in these classes is mandatory. At the end, residents will sit an exam for the ‘Beginning Course’.


Months 3-15: Comprehensive Clinic

Under the supervision of attending faculty members, residents will see 8 to 12 patients every day. During this period, they also have text review classes and case presentations every week. One of the educational principles is to learn refraction, and, on a rotating basis, residents will begin to learn it in refraction clinics for two weeks. They should have the ability to do refraction for their patients and prescribing glasses for them when they become senior residents.


Month 15 to End of Year 4: Subspecialty Clinics

During this period, residents become familiar with different ophthalmic diseases in each subspecialty and will do different types of surgeries. The hospital is well-equipped with modern instruments for surgery, imaging and other activities. More importantly, it has a considerable number of patients from all over the country, and thus, after graduation, residents are experienced enough in basic surgeries of ophthalmology. Each resident will do an average of 400 phacos, 30 strabismus surgeries, 30 DCRs, 15 trabeculectomies and sclera buckles, 50 PI or capsulotomies, and 50 primary repairs.  

The duration of rotation for each subspecialty is: anterior segment (7 months), glaucoma (3 months), oculoplastic (3-4 months), retina (5 months), emergency (3 months), strabismus (3 months), refraction (1 month)



OSCE: Twice a year (summer and winter), an OSCE test is held for PGY2, PGY3, and PGY4 residences.

Global Rating Form (GRF): At the end of each rotation, the authorities will evaluate you and send the GRF to the education office.

Annual Written MCQ: Residents should get a pass score in the annual MCQ exam that is held in July of each year. The source of the MCQs are the Basic and Clinical Science Course of AAO (all sections).

To download list of surgeries, click here.



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