Code : 9822-352219      Created Date : Wednesday, December 28, 2016   Visit : 2915

28th International Congress of pediatrics

The report of 28th International Congress of pediatrics by Shahin Nariman
Application Code :
Created Date : Tuesday, May 17, 2016-12:09 12:09:08Update Date : Wednesday, December 21, 2016-18:34 18:34:10
IP Address : Date : Wednesday, December 21, 2016-18:35 18:35:14Email
Personal Information
Name : Shahin
Surname : Nariman
School/Research center : other
If you choose other, please name your Research center : Arash Women Hospital, Tehran medical University
Position : staff
Tel : +98-21-77887737
Information of Congress
Title of the Congress : 28th International Congress of pediatrics
August 17-22,2016 Vancouver,Canada
Title of your Abstract : Urinary Uric acid / Creatinine Ratio as a marker of mortality and unfavorable outcome in NICU admitted Neonates
Destination Country : Canada
From : Wednesday, August 17, 2016
To : Monday, August 22, 2016
Abstract(Please copy/paste the abstract send to the congress) : Urinary Uric acid / Creatinine Ratio as a marker of mortality and unfavorable outcome in NICU admitted Neonates 
Nariman Sh1 , Mosayebi Z2, Sagheb S3, Rastad H4,Hosseininodeh S5
1) Shahin Nariman, Assistant Professor o fNeonatology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
2) Ziba Mosayebi ,Associate Professor of Neonatology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
3)Setareh Sagheb, Assistant Professor ofNeonatology, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.(* corresponding author)
4)Hadith Rastad,Research development center,Arash Hospital, Tehran University of Medical
5) Seyyedsaeed Hosseininodeh, Department of Pediatrics, Children's Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

Corresponding Author
Name:Dr. Shahin Nariman
Address:Tehran University of Medical Sciences,Enghelab Avenue,Tehran ,Iran.P.O.Box:1653915981,Tel:+98-9122387976.

Objective: We presumed whether urinary uric acid/ creatinine (UUA/Cr) ratio can be a marker of mortality and adverse outcome in neonates which were admitted to NICU.
Methods: All preterm infants who were admitted to our NICU after birth from March 2014to April 2015were enrolled in prospective cohort study. UUA/Cr was measured during the first day of life. Severity of diseases(The need for high set up of mechanical ventilation, complications of prematurity,duration of stay in NICU) and neonatal death were considered as the final unfavorable outcome.The relationship between Log-transformation (Ln) urinary uric acid / creatinine ratio and Apgar score at the first and 5th minute of birth with duration of stay were analysed by using Linear regression. Statistical analysis was done by using STATA version 11 (STATA Corp, TX, USA). A P value<0.05 was considered of statistical significance.
Results : The total of 362 preterm infants with mean gestational age 32.7(±3.9) weeks were admitted to NICU of whom 64 (17.6%) had severe disease ,in which 43(11.8%) died. The mean UUA/Crratio were significantly higher in the admitted neonates (3.30±1.95 VS. 1.36±0.42 p value 0.0001). There are negative correlations between UUA/Cr ratio and 1- minute Apgar score( R: -0.17, P Value: 0.006) and 5- minute Apgar score(R: -0.19, P Value: 0.003). The 1- minute Apgar scores were negatively correlated with the outcome (OR=0.68; P<0.001) and the duration of stay (β =-0.28; P value <0.001).There is not significant correlation between 5- minute Apgar scores and outcome. There is a significant positive correlation between UUA/Cr ratio with the unfavorable outcome(OR= 1.24; CI %95:1.06 to 1.43,P value =0.006) and increasing the duration of stay(β =0.17; P value=0.009) . 
Conclusion: Urinary uric acid/ creatinine ratio can be used as a simple , noninvasive parameter of the severity of diseaseand mortality in NICU admitted neonates. 
Keywords: Urinary uric acid to creatinine ratio; mortality ; newborn; outcome. 
Keywords of your Abstract : Keywords: Urinary uric acid to creatinine ratio; mortality ; newborn; outcome.
Acceptance Letter :
The presentation : Poster
The Cover of Abstract book : and cover_2.pdf
Published abstract in the abstract book with the related code : and cover_3.pdf
Where has your abstract been indexed? : ISI
If you choose other, please name :  
The Congress Reporting Form
How many volunteers were present at the Congress? : ABOUT 800 PEOPLE
Were the delegates of any other organizations present in the congress? : Yes
If yes, please write the names of the organizations in the box : unicef
What were the responses to your talking points? Were specific questions or concerns raised? : The participants ask me about the cut off point of my research, compare to other markers, and about Iranian medical doctors research status.
I response base of scientific reason and I had published Iran map in my poster and tell them about Iranian medical services and ready for cooperation to other countries for better result.
If you met staff members, please list their full names & positions. : Anthony Lake, Exeutive Director of UNICEF
Dr. Allison Eddy, CANADA Head manager of pediatric group in UBC
Dr. Douglas McMillan, Congress President - Halifax, Nova Scotia
Dr. Gary Pekeles - Montreal, Quebec
Manuel Moya, Fügen Çullu Çokuğraş, Helena Fonseca, Katayoun Khatami Ghazvini ( they are member of Nutrition workshop)
Professor Gary
Please inform us if there are any follow up actions we need to talk with the members of the congress : There were everything was completely on the basis of program and entrance and exit controlled with members of congress and day send my certificate by email.
the nest mission will be in Panama.
I attend for presentation my poster in 2nd day of congress.
There was another poster presentation from Tehran university of medical sciences by Dr.Niko Niknafs neonatologist of Valiasr hospital.
If you need any more information about my attendance and filing my congress time you can ask from organizing committee.
My major activity in Neonatology,Sleep disorders, environmental hazards for children and oxygen therapy.
there were two attractive lecturer from USA and writer of Neonatal resuscitation program book( Dr.Gary) and Professor Buhaty the chief of pediatric group in Stanford university and he talk about a new information in neonatal jaundice.
Your experiences about the travel processes(Providing ticket, accommodation,...) : The travel was too much nice but there was too much far from Iran and there was long time transit in Frankfurt airport.
I prepare the ticket in Iranian travel agency and travel to Vancouver from Iran possible by Lufthansa airline.
For reduce my costs I had rented a small unit in complex and cheaper payment compare to hotels.I had more time for visiting beautiful area after finishing congress time.
Please give a briefing of your own observations and outcomes of the congress: : As I am neonatologist ,I attend in neonatology titles rooms and I increase my knowledge in other field in pediatrics specially in Neurology and Nutrition.
It was amazing that a lot of lecture were about environmental hazards for children specially chemical substances and air pollution
and very helpful for for my country,IRAN.
So there were too much talking about the mortality causes in children and other hazards in children and effect in development and learning. They talk about differences risk factor in other countries but unfortunately there was no data about Iran.
I attend in sleep disorder in children lecture and find normal and abnormal pattern in children sleep.
One of attractive title in congress was oxygen consumption in neonates and avoiding more oxygen in neonatal resuscitation.Giving more oxygen like burning candle and with more oxygen to newborn may cause increase metabolism and difficulty in resuscitation. So offer to start PPV with room air resuscitation.
Other attractive title about delay in cord clamping in umbilical cord after delivery.This way help to better prepare blood content in neonates and better oxygenation.


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