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The report of International Symposium of Nursing Research Collaboration by Dr. Reza Negarandeh

The report of International Symposium of Nursing Research Collaboration by Dr. Reza Negarandeh

 Application Code :

Created Date : Sunday, October 30, 2022-11:21 11:21:54Update Date : Sunday, December 4, 2022-11:12 11:12:02
IP Address : Date : Sunday, December 4, 2022-11:12 11:12:19Email :
International Congress Form (for Faculty Members)
Personal Information
Name: : Reza
Surname: : Negarandeh
School/Research Center: : School of Nursing and Midwifery
Department : Community health nursing and gerontology
Position: : Professor
The Abstract that you e-mailed to the Congress Secretary: :
The Acceptance that is e-mailed from the Congress Secretary: :
The presentation: : Oral
Title of the Congress: : International Symposium of Nursing Research Collaboration
Title of your Abstract: : Editorial View: The Importance Of International Collaborations In Nursing Research Publications
Destination Country: : Turkey
From: : Friday, October 7, 2022
To: : Friday, October 7, 2022


The Congress Reporting
Please give a briefing of your own observations and outcomes of the congress : This event was fruitful because I had a chance to introduce our side capacities in building international research collaboration. In this presentation, I introduced the journal of Nursing practice today and its achievements in recent three years. I also discuss how international collaboration can impact the nurse researchers' visibility and credibility. I mentioned that nursing research advancement is due to many factors, including an increase in the number of nurses with advanced academic preparation, the establishment of vehicles for the dissemination of nursing research, funding and support for nursing research, and the upgrading of research skills in faculty and students. I also defined International Collaboration in Nursing Research and what is its expected benefits and barriers. Global healthcare issues, such as emerging and spreading diseases, workforce shortages, telehealth, and tele-education, are continuing to drive and fuel the need for international research. Nursing, like many professions, is required to find broader, collaborative solutions to the increasing complexity of global issues that face health care and the education of students. Furthermore, such efforts attract specialists in particular fields from external institutions (European Commission, 2021). Evidence suggests that more nurses are leading research. However, coordinating research projects is complex and involves managing people, processes, budgets, and material resources. These issues become even more critical in international research and pose more serious obstacles to the international cooperation of researchers. The capacity to generate new knowledge and implement that knowledge into global practice is impeded by cultural and language differences.
Your observations and outcomes : I think we can expand our networking with Turkish nurse researchers as an outcome of this event. As we have the same cultural and health priorities, we can define research projects with collaboration. I presented the importance of cross-cultural studies and how networking helps us to do this. We can also define the research area we are interested in working on collaboratively. To this, I introduced the school of nursing and midwifery, the Nursing and midwifery care research center at TUMS, and the Iranian network for nursing research. I emphasized working collaboratively through research networks; we can strengthen the impact of our scientific discoveries as we strive to enact research that will improve the quality of life for the global community. An important issue to consider in creating international communities of research is the extension of collaboration across cultures and countries. Therefore, Our vision of evidence-based translational research must thus have global applications to the world nursing community and, through innovative collaborative partnerships, address the real health care issues facing the world’s populations.
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