TUMS is the oldest and most well-known medical center in Iran, nationally as well as internationally. TUMS, as one of the country’s top research universities, accepts applications from the most qualified students. It also has the largest schools of medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, rehabilitation, allied medical sciences, public health, advanced technologies in medicine, nutritional sciences and dietetics, and nursing and midwifery in Iran as well as a virtual school.
Community nutrition encompasses a broad set of activities designed to provide access to a safe, adequate, healthful diet and create changes in knowledge, attitudes, and behavior either individually or in small groups within a community setting. These activities include nutrition education, nutrition or health promotion, food programs, supplementation programs, preventive programs, local policy analysis and development. The data derived from the application of epidemiologic techniques should lead to a better comprehension of the host-diet-environment relationship and the links between diet, human health and the nutritional outcomes. The utilization of the resulting data should provide evidence that can support public health and nutrition recommendations from policy levels to its translation into the programs and projects at the operational level.
The Department is composed of nine faculty members (including four Professors, three Associate Professors, and two Assistant Professors).
Various fields of Community Nutrition are:
Childhood Nutritional Status, Nutritional Epidemiology, Obesity, Sarcopenia in Elderly, Food Security, Nutrition in PHC, Food Safety, Food and Nutrition Policy Making, Planning and Management, Nutritional Status Assessment, Food Consumption, Dietary Pattern, Dietary Diversity, Nutrition Education, Food Fortification, Nutritional and Molecular Epidemiology, Gene Environment Interactions in Relation to Obesity, Genetic/Nutrition Epidemiology of Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and Cardiovascular Complications, Lifestyle/Diet Intervention in Prevention of Obesity.
Faculty members in Community Nutrition are concerned with:
Understanding the food choice behaviors of individuals, families, and groups and the contributions of food systems to those behaviors,
Understanding the distribution and causes of nutritional disparities in populations using tools from epidemiology, social sciences and policy analysis, and;
Designing, implementing and evaluating nutrition interventions, including nutrition education and nutrition-related policies.
Mission Statement
Department of Community Nutrition is a pioneer department with a mission centered on promotion, research and education in nutritional status, food security, dietary pattern, restoration and enrichments, food programming and related problem in society.
By encouraging and supporting innovative research, this department aims to enhance understanding of nutritional problem in community and to improve the search for primary diagnosis and preventive possibilities.
To determine the nutritional status of people using different methods including nutrient intake estimations to determine the daily foods intake, 24-hours food recalls, 24-hours food records, dietary adequacy and food frequency questionnaires as well as some other similar methods might be considered.
To assess the health and growth status, anthropometric measurements in different age and gender groups can be applied. As part of such measurements, weight/ height, Mid Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC), Hip/Waist Circumference and skin-folds (using caliper) can be applied.
The routine test performed in the laboratory includes:
Measuring the weight, height of people
Measuring the body composition using bio-electrical impedance
Measure skin-fold thickness using calliper
Measuring the weight of food items using sensitive scales
Research Centres and Laboratories
The results of studies about Food and nutrition security have shown that Iranian rural and also urban Population suffer from nutritional insecurity.
Using an Indirect method to estimate the prevalence of food insecurity in Iran considered energy intake < 80% of recommended allowance as food insecurity. It showed that about 20% of Iranian Population is hungry as reported in REY city. Finding of some other studies have also shown that as much as 50% of people suffer from Food/nutrition insecurity. In two cities of Shiraz and Yazd, prevalence of food insecurity was reported as much as 44% and 30.5% respectively. Therefore, in order to solve the nutritional problems of hunger and food insecurity, nutritional interventions should be considered.
Faculty Members
Professor - Head of Department
Email: dorosrim@tums.ac.ir
Research Interests:
Childhood nutritional status
Elderly nutritional status
Nutritional epidemiology
Email: siassif@tums.ac.ir
Research Interests:
Food Security
Sarcopenia in elderly
Nutritional Epidemiology
Email: jazaiers@ums.ac.ir
Research Interests:
Fatty acids and health
Food and nutrition planning and policy-making
Strategic planning in nutrition
Food safety
Assistant Professor
Email: h-pouraram@tums.ac.ir
Research Interests:
Food fortification
Nutrition training
Control of overweight and obesity
Email: azadbakht@hlth.mui.ac.ir
Email: a.esmaillzadeh@gmail.com
Email: gsotodeh@sina.tums.ac.ir
Research Interests:
Nutritional factors and Oxidative Stress
The effect of different foods on risk factors for chronic diseases
Dietary patterns and their association with blood biochemical factors in health and disease
Dietary diversity and its relation to blood biochemical factors in health and disease
Assistant Professor
Email: s_shabbidar@tums.ac.ir
Research Interests:
Nutritional and molecular epidemiology in osteoporosis and endocrinology.
Assistant Professor
Email: mirzaei_kh@sina.tums.ac.ir
Research Interests:
Application of metabolomics and epigenetics in epidemiology research
Lifestyle/diet intervention in prevention of obesity and improvement in energy expenditure disorders
Gene-environment interactions in relation to obesity, energy expenditure, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease
Genetic/nutrition Epidemiology of obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular complications
Contact person
Dr.Khadijeh Mirzaei, PhD
Assistant Professor
Telephone Number: +98-21-88955569 (124)
Fax Number: +98-21-88955569