Created Date : Saturday, October 8, 2016   Update Date : Saturday, October 8, 2016   

Nutritional Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


 Program Description

Sufficient food, in terms of both quality and quantity, has been known to be a vitally important determinant of maintaining and improving health status in the individual and society. This is considered the fundamental right of the public. In addition to meeting the nutritional requirements, food should be consistent with the socio-economic and cultural norms. These challenges have led to a growing demand for trained nutritionists to work in a range of contexts to achieve this aim at national and international levels. This field of study will offer the graduates the specialized, scientific knowledge and practical skills in accordance with the requirements of the individual and society. The aim of training nutritionists is to educate the experts with appropriate and specialized knowledge and communication skills to help in the treatment and prevention of the nutritional problems of the individual and society, using a holistic and community-oriented approach.

The Ph.D. program in Nutritional Sciences provides interdisciplinary training and integrated sciences of Biology and Social Sciences to prepare the nutritionist to expand the border of knowledge and to apply this knowledge in public and clinical health care settings through proper programming and research. This field includes a number of comprehensive and participatory activities that require deep knowledge of physiology, biomedicine, food and nutrients metabolism and epidemiology on the one hand, and ecological, cultural and socio-economic factors affecting the access to, choice, and consumption of food, on the other hand.

The goal of the Ph.D. program in Nutritional Sciences is to train professionals who can work efficiently as leaders and active participants in nutritional research and education at the national level and help to expand the boundaries of nutrition knowledge for public health promotion.



Degree: Master of Science (MSc)


 Program Description

Access to nutritionally adequate, safe and healthy food is a fundamental right of all people. It is achievable if there is a balance between food intake and physical, psychological, economic and socio-cultural conditions of the community. Nutritional Sciences Graduates should possess a deep understanding of the field through in-depth study of its different aspects, at both theoretical and practical levels, which could help to promote nutritional status, health, and well being of individuals and the community, thereby preventing malnutrition and the related complications.

The graduate program in Nutritional Sciences, as a specialized, interdisciplinary field, provides advanced training in research, education, and community engagement issues.

Nutritional science is a branch of medical sciences that aims to improve the health and wellbeing of the individuals and community to achieve sustainable development in food products and nutrition systems. The program is designed for students who wish to delve more deeply into nutritional sciences and related research.

Graduates of Nutritional Sciences (MSc) will have the ability to work in the fields of education, research, consultancy services to individuals and community and could also participate in food and nutrition program planning and policy making.

The aim of MSc in Nutritional Sciences program is to educate and train professionals who can provide educational, research and consultancy services in various areas of the field, including nutritional hygiene, dietetics, community nutrition, food and nutrition planning, and nutritional care, for individuals and groups.

The program is intended to achieve the optimum quality in both qualitative and quantitative research by training expert manpower in Nutritional Sciences, which could help to obtain the best possible standard in the field of food and nutrition and to reach an acceptable level in nutritional indices identified by the health care system.
