Competitions during Ramadan for International Students
Office of Vice Dean for Students and Cultural Affairs has decided to hold competitions for international students during Ramadan following the speech by Dr. Nik Nam. Regarding to the competition , below you will see 3 parts.
1. The audio file by Dr Niknam.
2. The pamphlet of the competition contains 17 pages.
3. The descriptive questions include 2 questions .
The deadline for sending the replies will be May 20th, 2020 at noon. It is noteworthy that 3 of the winners will be given awards on Eid al-Fitr.
Methods to send the replies:
1- Via email: to (International Campus for Student and Cultural Affairs)
2- In-person submission: submit the CD to the International Campus for Student and Cultural Affairs
3- Delivery: deliver the content to the head of your dormitory
Good Luck